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  1. Mad Monty

    Hey! Hey you! I hope you have an awesome day and a better week! You deserve it!

    Hey! Hey you! I hope you have an awesome day and a better week! You deserve it!
  2. Mad Monty

    Hidden Avatars on Pokémon Showdown! [new avatars @ #348]

    Excellent! Just gonna change Pryce to Magnus real quick...
  3. Mad Monty

    Hey, if you can't get a hold of me, you can poke me on PS. Someone will ping me for sure :)

    Hey, if you can't get a hold of me, you can poke me on PS. Someone will ping me for sure :)
  4. Mad Monty

    Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving this year!

    Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving this year!
  5. Mad Monty

    Hey! Psssssst! Yeah, you! You're awesome!

    Hey! Psssssst! Yeah, you! You're awesome!
  6. Mad Monty

    Thank ya muchly!

    Thank ya muchly!
  7. Mad Monty

    Looking forward to all the new stuff coming. IYKYK otherwise stay tuned! Treat yourself today...

    Looking forward to all the new stuff coming. IYKYK otherwise stay tuned! Treat yourself today! Be good to others and don't get eaten by llamas!
  8. Mad Monty

    Good golly, Miss Molly! The last 2 weeks have been a month. Family health concerns, including...

    Good golly, Miss Molly! The last 2 weeks have been a month. Family health concerns, including one that comes with a trigger warning (I won't go into specifics. Speculate among yourselves) and another that is the final weeks maybe months of life. I've gone gray near my temples, like Dr. Strange...
  9. Mad Monty

    Candy Store

    How many Oompa Loompas do you have in your.... Employ? Indentured servitude? On as favors?
  10. Mad Monty

    You there! Yes, you reading this! You're awesome and you deserve all the happiness you can...

    You there! Yes, you reading this! You're awesome and you deserve all the happiness you can muster! Get up and stretch, get something cool to drink, and have yourself a lovely llama-free day!
  11. Mad Monty

    Thank ya kindly!

    Thank ya kindly!
  12. Mad Monty

    blace's mind blowing art gallery!

    Dark Lilligant is SO cool!
  13. Mad Monty


  14. Mad Monty

    Daww shucks!

    Daww shucks!
  15. Mad Monty

    Social Where is your nick from?

    Mad Monty is a riff on Mad Moxxi. Monty has been my nickname since 2001, due to my last name being Burns. So in Freshman year of hs, someone called me Mr. Burns, and someone else said "Excellent!". Thus, the Powerpuff Girls were born! So, that's where Mad Monty came from
  16. Mad Monty

    Social LGBTQIA+

    Proud of ya, friendo! I'm always in your corner and this news doesn't change that!
  17. Mad Monty


  18. Mad Monty

    Hi KB! You're a delight and I'm happy to call ya my friend!

    Hi KB! You're a delight and I'm happy to call ya my friend!
  19. Mad Monty

    The Library's Staff Q&A

  20. Mad Monty

    The Library's Staff Q&A

    Greetings and salutations, one and all, to the culmination of the community and the staff of The Library! Did that sound fancy? I hope so. I wore a monocle and raised a cane as I typed that. Anywho, we've a bunch of these questions to get through, so continue reading to see 'em. Voidbreaker517...