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  1. Teeny Victory

    Sorry my man I've been busy, this friday instead?

    Sorry my man I've been busy, this friday instead?
  2. Teeny Victory

    Project Pokemon Smogon OU Version 3.0 (Fairy Gym - Medieval Town)

    Guild Proposal: Electric Right in the corner of the guilds, much smaller and insignificant than the rest, shaped oddly like a Wi-Fi modem, stands the electric guild. Standing out the frontis the guard, wearing bright yellow armour with har sticking up all over the place, looking extremely bored...
  3. Teeny Victory

    ORAS OU Shattered Diamonds (Nasty pass + Diancie Team)

    Yeah I need to post more. Nice team once again bro, typical of you to use 2 fairy types. I wouldn't really change much without reworking the team which ruins your strategy, but I would run play rough over dazzling gleam on klefki. Dazzling gleam enables Mons such as cm raikou, cm Clefable...
  4. Teeny Victory

    Oh damn so sorry man I've been really sick and haven't checked, you can take the win

    Oh damn so sorry man I've been really sick and haven't checked, you can take the win
  5. Teeny Victory

    Sorry I've got work then :/ I say we just let it go to coin flip, I don't think we are going to...

    Sorry I've got work then :/ I say we just let it go to coin flip, I don't think we are going to be able to play
  6. Teeny Victory

    You there man?

    You there man?
  7. Teeny Victory

    Hey, I'm GMT +10, I will be available this saturday morning my time if thats good for you? at...

    Hey, I'm GMT +10, I will be available this saturday morning my time if thats good for you? at around 11-12 at night your time
  8. Teeny Victory

    Tournament Gods Among Us, OU Edition - FINALLY WON by Obliviate

    Hey you forgot about me I posted that opponent gave me win on post #539 :(
  9. Teeny Victory

    Ah that sucks, I'll post in thread

    Ah that sucks, I'll post in thread
  10. Teeny Victory

    Hey, Perhaps we could play either early morning on the 8th or 9th my time? I'm gmt +10 so those...

    Hey, Perhaps we could play either early morning on the 8th or 9th my time? I'm gmt +10 so those times would be roughly 6-7 at night for you
  11. Teeny Victory

    Project Type Cores

    #1 Core 13 #2 Core 14
  12. Teeny Victory

    Tournament Gods Among Us, OU Edition - FINALLY WON by Obliviate

    Won 2-0 against New attitude, we both forgot to save first replay so we don't have it sorry But here's the second one Sorry for haxing the game away from you man
  13. Teeny Victory

    We will play now if you want

    We will play now if you want
  14. Teeny Victory

    Hey, When are you availible for gods among us tour? Im in GMT + 10 and would either be available...

    Hey, When are you availible for gods among us tour? Im in GMT + 10 and would either be available within the next two hours, in the morning tomorrow or in the morning on Sunday. Im just Teeny Victory on PS
  15. Teeny Victory

    Tournament Gods Among Us, OU Edition - FINALLY WON by Obliviate

    Won 2-0 against Weebl , Might have haxed a bit but GG anyway
  16. Teeny Victory

    I am on now and waiting for you in smogon doubles

    I am on now and waiting for you in smogon doubles
  17. Teeny Victory

    Yes ty that would be great

    Yes ty that would be great
  18. Teeny Victory

    Hey, I'm really sorry but something urgent has come up so I can't play today, would you be able...

    Hey, I'm really sorry but something urgent has come up so I can't play today, would you be able to do same time tomorrow morning?