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  1. DarthVader's Trade Thread - Now with my own Kalos bred shiny Pokemon! Update: Blue Cow

    I can trade right now. Adding your FC
  2. DarthVader's Trade Thread - Now with my own Kalos bred shiny Pokemon! Update: Blue Cow

    6IV Shiny Genesect (OT: Japanese Name, ID:07133 w/ U-Turn, T-bolt, Ice Beam and Flamethrower) 6IV : Timid Gastly, Jolly-Swarm Heracross, Careful-Natural Cure Phantump 5IV : Jolly-Gale Wing Fletchling If you want, you can take 2 of the normal 6IV/5IV
  3. DarthVader's Trade Thread - Now with my own Kalos bred shiny Pokemon! Update: Blue Cow

    Would you like to trade shiny Froakie with shiny Adamant Charizard w/ Dragon Dance? It also has Outrage that you can relearned from Move Reminder
  4. Alex's Trade Shop

    Ok, let me know through PM if you're ready
  5. Alex's Trade Shop

    Would you like to trade your Magic Guard Abra with one of these? Marill (31/31/31/x/31/31) Adamant - Huge Power w/ Aqua Jet and Belly Drum Heracross (31/31/31/31/31/31) Jolly - Swarm w/ Rock Blast Scyther (31/31/31/x/31/31) Adamant - Swarm w/ Baton Pass Electrike (31/x/31/31/31/31) Timid -...
  6. FT: 5IV Pokemon || Non-Cloned/Kalos Native/Some PokeBank || All Pokemon are 5IV ||

    Would you mine to trade your chimcar with one of these : Marill (31/31/31/x/31/31) Adamant - Huge Power Electrike (31/x/31/31/31/31) Timid - Lightning Rod / Static Larvitar (31/31/31/x/31/31) Adamant - Guts w/ Stealth Rock and Pursuit
  7. Galactic Store

    Would you like to trade those two with Timid Kyurem ( Pressure, Lv 70, OT:Japanese Name, TID:23847 ) and Modest Lugia ( Pressure, Lv 55, OT:Japanese Name, TID:32760 ) ?
  8. 6iv Dittos and iv'd Shinys!! Looking for Trades!!! :D

    Replied. Can we do the trade right now?
  9. 6iv Dittos and iv'd Shinys!! Looking for Trades!!! :D

    Do you want to trade 6IV Ditto with one of my shiny Genesect with OT : Japanese name and ID : 07133 (cloned one)?