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  1. dragon_poop


  2. dragon_poop

    yo :)

    yo :)
  3. dragon_poop

    why are you copying everyone's applications? XD

    why are you copying everyone's applications? XD
  4. dragon_poop
  5. dragon_poop

    Marine science? Did you hear about the new planet with water?

    Marine science? Did you hear about the new planet with water?
  6. dragon_poop

    hmmm.. i bet your other arm is skinny af. LOL!

    hmmm.. i bet your other arm is skinny af. LOL!
  7. dragon_poop

    Yo! check this out too...

    Yo! check this out too I applied for a tutor. If you have free time, maybe you should try it oo
  8. dragon_poop

    A Different Approach to Hyper Offense: If you build it, they will come!!!

    I don't like Sand stream on this team because you do not benefit from it. It will really affect you with Greninja, taking HUGE residual damage with Rocks, Sand and Life orb. CharX is a problem at +1. With FlareBlitz, EQ and Dragon Claw, it can rip apart ur team. In an unpleasant situation where...
  9. dragon_poop

    Will do, father.

    Will do, father.
  10. dragon_poop

    Apprentice Program: Round Eighty Three

    Username: dragon_poop Age: 19 Pokemon Showdown: DRAGON_poop Your timezone and usual hours of availability: EST 4 PM onwards, except Mondays. I am free to play most of the time. What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU Tell us a little about yourself: I like learning philosophy, physics, space...
  11. dragon_poop

    that no one ever was

    that no one ever was
  12. dragon_poop

    i find ur avatar very funny

    i find ur avatar very funny
  13. dragon_poop

    Other Silly Things You've Seen On The OU Ladder: V2

    Foe Greninja used Ice beam (Thundurus, come back) Go Scizor! *Pointed stones dug into Scizor* *It's not very effective* Foe Sends out Rotom-w Scizor used Bullet Punch. *Not very effective* Rotom-W used Trick! *Rotom-W received Assault Vest, and Scizor received Choice Scarf* Scizor used Defog...
  14. dragon_poop

    The Science Behind Team Building: An Attempt at Understanding the Gen VI Meta

    Hmm.. those are some tough questions. Ok, firstly, (psuedo) Bolt Beam is nice on Thundurus as things like chomp and Lando try to come in. So I prefer he keeps HP Ice. And so with rotom for the same reason, but If you put HP grass on Rotom, then you could switch Grass knot for Volt-Turn.(?) HP...
  15. dragon_poop

    The Science Behind Team Building: An Attempt at Understanding the Gen VI Meta

    I agree strongly with Phaenon . I tested Thundurus > Zap and changed scizor's set. What do you think about these sets? Thundurus-Therian (M) @ Expert Belt Ability: Volt Absorb EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def - Thunderbolt - Hidden Power [Ice] - Focus Blast -...
  16. dragon_poop


    I find that Greninja can deal SERIOUS blows to any member it chooses with HP fire/Ice beam/dark pulse. I'd suggest taking TTar out for either Unaware Spdef Clefable or Sylveon. I also found that it's tough to take down conk sometimes. So those two could alleviate that. I'll test it out later
  17. dragon_poop

    The Science Behind Team Building: An Attempt at Understanding the Gen VI Meta

    Yes. When I tested his team, I also found that Manaphy and CroCune were trouble. I couldn't find any suggestions though
  18. dragon_poop


  19. dragon_poop

    Raising Hell (An UPDATED OU team)

    I am not sure if water is troubling to this team, but if Quaggy and friends give you trouble like tre says, you could use Grass knot > Hydro pump. Ferrothorn walls this team bar Shadow balls. So definitely Fire Fang > Iron Head Also, do try this Kyurem set: Kyurem-Black @ Leftovers Ability...
  20. dragon_poop

    RMT My NFE XY OU Team!!!

    I don't understand the point of an evolite team unless it's just to see what happens.. Knock off will.. how do you deal with knock off? or do you not care? And powerup punch is NO GOOD in competitive unless you're MegaKhan.