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  1. hearthebeard

    Research Legends: Arceus Battle Mechanics Research

    Look a couple posts up. Weedle and Alakazam are basically the same power at Lvl 100.
  2. hearthebeard

    Research Legends: Arceus Battle Mechanics Research

    Distributing it throughout the formula doesn't change how much it waters down the pokemon's individual stat. The idea that offensive stats are nerfed compared to mainline games understates the gravity of the change. Here's the extent of what I'm trying to say: At high levels, attack stat is...
  3. hearthebeard

    Research Legends: Arceus Battle Mechanics Research

    Unless I am just mathematically illiterate, this means the defensive stat is a significantly larger factor in the damage calculation than the offensive stat, correct?
  4. hearthebeard

    SwSh Battle Facilities Discussion & Records

    Awesome! Thoughts on a leaderboard for total across all types in addition to each individual type? Or would that be too dynamic?
  5. hearthebeard

    SwSh Battle Facilities Discussion & Records

    Just had a short streak snapped at 59. Simple mistake but would love some feedback before starting back at the top. The team is based on one of Eisen’s tree TR teams because I had the mons mostly on hand. However, Eisen’s version made a lot of use of psych up, where as this team mostly just...
  6. hearthebeard

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    Hey NoCheese , added my proof to my two streaks on page 63. Thanks for keeping this thread up to date. Working on my next streak now.
  7. hearthebeard

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    So, I have an affinity for Mega Pokémon. I think they are a really cool mechanic, even though I know many VGC players feel the opposite. I just like how they can make many different mons the center point of your strategy, and I think over the course of the tree I'm going to try to post a streak...
  8. hearthebeard

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    When pp stalling, do opposing mons have max pp or min? Sorry for clogging the thread with a simple question.
  9. hearthebeard

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    Again, I agree that anytime you introduce an imperfect accuracy move you're risking your streak. A move set with all perfectly accurate moves is one of the strongest things a Pokémon can offer in the tree. However, I will take this time to point out that (as long as I'm a passable counter) 15...
  10. hearthebeard

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    You're right to caution about accuracy. However I think you have to take into account that not everyone's trying to get 2000 streaks and many of the 90% accurate moves can be helpful to a team with lower ambitions than that. Additionally, there are enough bright powder mons out there that you...
  11. hearthebeard

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    I've been lurking here since Black and White and have used teams off of this forum for years to get through the Subway and the Maison. I've never posted a streak before because I never could really claim any team I used. However, I've turned a new leaf this gen. I'm here to post a completed...
  12. hearthebeard

    Battle Tree Discussion and Records

    I've been using focus sash Salazzle lead for my streak that just broke 100. Taunt and Encore make intriguing options against any status move abusing pokes. Gotta decide if fake out is a better option than either now that bank is here.
  13. hearthebeard

    Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    Haven't ever messed around with Doubles before. At 54 on my first try which is exciting, but just ran into a Fissure Landorus-I who hit 3 out of 3 Fissures. Fortunately the one he didn't hit was Cune so pressure kept him from getting off another one (I guess). That was terrifying.
  14. hearthebeard

    Scarfed headsmash stinks.

    Scarfed headsmash stinks.
  15. hearthebeard

    Battle Maison Discussion & Records

    I made an account just to let everyone know that sometimes a scarfed ramparados just headsmashes everything in sight. My fury had to be shared with you all.