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  1. CAP 20 CAP 20 - Part 9 - Art Poll 2

    Quanyails Mos-Quitoxe Knirp Magistrum DougJustDoug Golurkyourself paintseagull CommanderZorvox
  2. CAP 20 CAP 20 - Part 9 - Art Poll 1

    Knirp Quanyails Sgt.Moose Magistrum TrainerSplash Yilx Mos-Quitoxe
  3. CAP 20 CAP 20 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Discussion

    A good niche ability for the CM set to consider might be Soundproof. This gives CAP an immunity to Roar and Perish Song, common phazing moves which are the bane of other CM users, and lets it set up on things like Heatran, Politoed and Celebi. Whirlwind users such as Hippowdon and Skarmory are...
  4. CAP 20 CAP 20 - Part 6 - Stat Spread Poll 2

    Deck Knight aim sparktrain
  5. CAP 20 CAP 20 - Part 4 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Water Veil Water Absorb Shield Dust Oblivious
  6. CAP 20 CAP 20 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

    Poison / Dark Water / Steel Steel / Fairy Electric type is just plain BAD for a physical sweeper.
  7. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 10 - Name Poll 1

    Stingrai Ikasushi Plasmanta Gammarayth Messed up my submission. Whoops. Good luck everyone!
  8. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Name Submissions

    Lumiskate A portmanteau of Illuminate (To supply light or brighten up) and Skate (a species of Rajinae, the same family of fish as the rays). Pronounced: loo-muh-skeyt IPA: lu-mə-skeɪt
  9. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Name Submissions

    Just a PSA: I had the winning name for Birkal's entry all set if his Playtpus won. The correct answer was "Platytude." :D Anyway. WIP: Lumiskate A portmanteau of Illuminate (To supply light or brighten up) and Skate (a species of Rajinae, the same family of fish as the rays). Pronounced...
  10. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 9 - Non-Attacking Moves Discussion

    I don't feel strongly for or against many of these support moves. I feel this mon's niche ought to mainly be the special attacking ying to DD Mega Gyarados, Mega Charizard X and Dragonite's yang, but I do have a few thoughts. No recovery or competitive boosting moves. These are just anti...
  11. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 9 - Attacking Movepool Discussion

    In the interest of dissuading use of HP ice, I reccommend we do not give CAP19 fire coverage. That alone will force people to use HP Fire to deal with Scizor/Ferro. May I also second the recommendation for Psychic type coverage? Look at the mons we want to threaten we don't hit with our stabs...
  12. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 8 - Art Poll 2

    Magistrum Dracoyoshi8 Birkal
  13. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 8 - Art Poll 1

    Yilx Dracoyoshi8 Magistrum Mos-Quitoxe Birkal Awesome designs all around. Good luck everyone!
  14. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Poll 1

    Sap Sipper Vital Spirit / Insomnia No Competitive Ability
  15. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Discussion

    Flare Boost + Flame Orb + 131 Sp Attack = 196.5 Special Attack o_O Cute idea, but very easily abused in turning CAP19 into a sweeper.
  16. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Discussion

    Competitive is a bad idea, because it shifts focus away from Storm Drain, by making it a frightening Defog absorber. Regarding Mega Gyar's vulnerability to Sticky Web, Gyarados already enjoys Rapid Spin/Defog support due to its Stealth Rock weakness, so SW falls into this same category making...
  17. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 7 - Secondary Ability Discussion

    Liquid Ooze could be a nice niche candidate ability, seeing as how it deters use of Leech Seed and helps CAP19 wear down Ferrothorn and Stally Seed Breloom. Through virtue of its typing, CAP 19 also happens to resist all the draining attacks: Giga Drain, Drain Punch, and the seldom used...
  18. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Part 6 - Stat Spread Poll 2

    Qwilphish capefeather