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  1. Expert Evan

    Suicune Spitback Giveaway [COMPLETE]

    After 4 weeks of trying to get the perfect modest suicune and finally getting one today which I will only offer for other legit flawless pentagon legends for VGC purposes, I have the following spitbacks which I managed to keep via powersaves/restore method and as a bonus, they all have the move...
  2. Expert Evan

    Landorus spitback giveaway [COMPLETE]

    After 2 months of trying to get the perfect adamant landorus and finally getting one today which I will only offer for other legit flawless pentagon legends for VGC purposes, I have the following spitbacks which I managed to keep via powersaves/restore method and as a bonus, they all have the...
  3. Expert Evan

    Crescent Isle SoftReject giveaway [COMPLETE]

    After almost 2 weeks in quest of a desired 5iv calm Cresselia (which I am only offering for other perfectly caught legends with pentagon symbol that I really need), and thanks to powersaves, I was able to save numerous of these close to perfects including a few shinies, but instead of releasing...
  4. Expert Evan

    A contrary GTS giveaway Part 2 [COMPLETE]

    Once again, available from recent breeding batches is as follows: Snivy with contrary ability, timid nature, 19 males, 1 female egg moves: Mirror Coat, Mean Look, Sweet Scent & Glare guaranteed 4IV (if counting possible 30 in special attack and speed for HP-Fire Purposes) So here's how this is...
  5. Expert Evan

    A contrary GTS giveaway [COMPLETE]

    Available from recent breeding batches is as follows: Snivy with contrary ability, timid nature, 15 males, 1 female egg moves: Mirror Coat, Mean Look, Sweet Scent & Glare guaranteed 4IV So here's how this is going to work: deposit any zigzagoon for any lv1-10 snivy. for a chance to get the...
  6. Expert Evan

    Stratford, CT - VGC-13 style tournaments on last Sunday of month, OU on other Sundays

    Where: Stratford, CT at Gaming Etc. 555 Lordship Boulevard Stratford, CT 06615 (203)-296-9961 When: Sundays after 12pm (except Feb. 3, 2013 due to a yugioh regional held) Cost: $5 prizes: depending on quantity of participants, usually towards card packs or store credit style of play: swiss...
  7. Expert Evan

    Phill-EE VGC 2012

    Another year another VGC, almost every year since 2006 already. This year seems to be different since we've now had the 5th generation games already for a year and a half, and we also had the fall regional back in November still fresh in our minds. So what seemed harder at first was just the...
  8. Expert Evan

    EE/Shinkou VGC12 Journey to Providence, RI

    (other pictures here) Just 3 months after attending the Worlds LCQ's for VGC2011 in San Diego, CA comes the new format and will little time to prepare. Having the November 13 location in Rhode Island was a benefit since we have not had any Pokemon regional tournaments in New England since 2006...
  9. Expert Evan

    EE's 2011 Newark/VGC warstory

    Another year another VGC. Will the finally be the year that the father & son combo of Expert Evan & Shinkou finally qualify for an invite this year? Well that's what we keep hoping for and put in the time to try to put together such a team to accomplish that. This all started back in September...
  10. Expert Evan

    EE's VGC 2011 team #1

    It's a new VGC season, and with lots to contend with and the trickiness of trying to come up with a team that is able to adapt to as many possible scenarios, Here's a glance of what I've come up with as a team: With either tailwind or trickroom to choose from, the intent of this team is to...
  11. Expert Evan

    EE's father&son VGC/Newark adventure

    As we started the day, we knew coming into this that the Newark regional was going to have over the 768 limit and that we were best to get there early, and that the competition was far tougher compared to when we last were able to compete back in 2008 in NY when we both got as far as top 16 only...
  12. Expert Evan

    EE's recent Smogon Tournament 6 team

    Here was my recent Smogon Tournament team at a glance: This was basically a last-minute team I had put together for the Smogon Tournament 6 as I was trying to focus on a lead that would mess things up at the beginning, have a dual-screen pokemon to setup for my late-game sweeper and fill ins...
  13. Expert Evan

    Son of EE sandstorm team (Mar. 22, 2009 edition)

    This sandstorm team is what my son is considering to use for standard wi-fi play. Normally tyranitar, bronzong & vaporeon would prefer leftovers while scizor & gliscor with life orb, but with item clause, this is my attempt to change them. Further suggestions anybody? Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers...
  14. Expert Evan

    Rules (Updated 10/26/2010 READ)

    This is the subforum where you guys can post your giveaways. New rule as of 10/26/2010, which is highlighted. This forum isn't a place where you can beg for a Pokemon. You may not require participants to have a particular number of posts or join date. We don't exclude our newer members. If...
  15. Expert Evan

    EE's Recent Team

    In trying out some of the new Platinum moves along with what I currently have available, here's what I've been trying as a standard wi-fi and shoddybattle team as of lately: Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 252 HP/68 Spd/190 SAtk Quiet nature (+SAtk, -Spd) - Thunderbolt -...
  16. Expert Evan

    San Diego anybody?

    For the first time since before the wildfires last year, I'll be making a trip to San Diego in about a week, so I was wondering whom and whether there are any pokemon or yugioh events going on out there, etc...
  17. Expert Evan

    EE's Showdown-NY warstory

    As the day started, I had a gut feeling that if I did not go to New York for the Pokemon showdown that I would regret it so my son and I both got there at around 8:45am so we could be alternates at least and try to get in. We were all given yellow bracelets with a lottery number on them. We...
  18. Expert Evan

    Wi-Fi Forum Rules (read me first, updated December 3rd, 2016)

    On top of Smogon's Global rules, Wi-Fi also has a few forum-specific rules. Follow these rules to stay out of trouble. If you're confused about any of them, feel free to PM a Wi-Fi moderator for clarification. General Rules & Resources To keep the forum cleaner, there are several stickied...
  19. Expert Evan

    On your marks, get set, rate! (sandstorm brewing...)

    For an upcoming competitive tournament tomorrow which only allows non-legendary pokemon, I am placing here my son's intended team which usually does very well though using the same pokemon presents the opportunity for his opponents to better prepare for his team, so while most of them are the...
  20. Expert Evan

    [on site] Emerald Battle Pyramid Wild Pokémon Guide

    Introduction Welcome to the Battle Pyramid, one of 7 battle facilities in the Battle Frontier of the Emerald version of Pokemon for the Advanced generation which is the pyramid building at the upper right side in this battle amusement park. In this topic, we are going to present the wild pokemon...