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  • Users: DarkSlay
  • Content: Threads
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  1. DarkSlay

    CAP Updates: Arghonaut Competitive Move Poll 1

    Okay everyone, it's time for the much-anticipated move poll for Arghonaut's competitive move additions! Here are your following choices: Include Spikes Do Not Include Spikes Include Ice Hammer Do Not Include Ice Hammer Include Close Combat Do Not Include Close Combat This poll operates on...
  2. DarkSlay

    CAP Updates: Arghonaut Ability Poll 1

    We're now at the first stage of ability selection for Arghonaut! Please keep in mind the discussion we've been having in Arghonaut's update thread as you place your vote. The thread can be found here. The following are your choices. This poll will last for 24 hours. Technician Misty Surge Iron...
  3. DarkSlay

    CAP Updates: Arghonaut Discussion (Complete)

    Pro-tip: play this as you read the thread: Arghonaut Update and Discussion LAND HO! Avast, me hearties, and welcome to the Arghonaut Update and Discussion thread! Ye be treadin' on the waters of our favorite Generation IV CAP crustacean, the Pirate Pugilist Arghonaut. Shiver your timbers...
  4. DarkSlay

    Gen VI CAP Creative and Underrated Sets (PLEASE INCLUDE REPLAYS)

    Art Credit: 13ulbasaur GEN VI CAP CREATIVE AND UNDERRATED SETS Have a new set for your favorite CAP-centric Pokemon that you want to share with the world? Playing with a set that people often overlook, but is winning you games? Want to showcase your favorite Pokemon in the competitive CAP...
  5. DarkSlay


    Let's rock. QC: 0/2 GP: 0/1 Overview ######## + 130 Speed is blistering fast. Wow. Not much, if anything, can out-speed it without help. + 120 Special Attack is extremely formidable. + Movepool is enormous. Offensive options are plentiful, some decent support options. + Signature move in Paleo...
  6. DarkSlay

    [UU Beta] Heracrophilia (Peaked #3)

    According to Webster's Dictionary: HERACROPHILIA noun /(ˌ)her-a-krə-ˈfi-lē-ə/ Definition: Obsession with and stimulation by Heracross, particularly in the Underused tier. "After using this team on the ladder, I was later diagnosed with Heracrophilia by my doctor." HERACROPHILIA TEAM BUILDING...
  7. DarkSlay

    Politoed [QC: 1/3]

    I make it rain. Fo' Drizzle my nizzle. Overview ######## Drizzle nerf hits Politoed hard, meaning it can no longer establish permanent Rain. Still, Drizzle sets up rain without taking up a turn, making it an effective weather starter. Only Pokemon sans Kyogre to have Drizzle, and Drizzle +...
  8. DarkSlay

    Landorus-Therian [GP: 0/2]

    Meow? You mean ROAR! QC: 3/3 GP: 0/2 Overview ######## With a plethora of strong, Physical threats roaming within the XY metagame, Landorus-T establishes itself as a solid answer to many of the most popular Pokemon in the tier. Landorus-T’s massive Base 145 Attack is still amongst the highest...
  9. DarkSlay

    Battle Castle Challenge - Engineer Pikachu

    Only Engineer Pikachu and referees should post in this thread. CHALLENGE 1: BATTLE 1-1: Lass Brassy would like to battle! "I like to make the sounds that my Pokemon make!" RNG Roll [Pokemon]: 28/79 Quagsire (M) Nature: Sassy +SpD, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion Item: Castle Rindo Berry...
  10. DarkSlay

    Battle Castle Challenge - Its_A_Random

    Only Its_A_Random and referees should post in this thread. Challenge 1: Battle 1-1: RNG Rolls: 70/79, 1/1 Psychic Miriam would like to fight! "I sense that you have a fear for the furry flighted ones!" Swoobat (F) Nature: Modest +SpA, -Atk Item: Castle Psychic Gem Type: Psychic / Flying...
  11. DarkSlay

    Big Brawl, Little Arena! Ragnarokalex V. Kaxtar! (Ref: DarkSlay)

    Welcome ladies and gentlemen to an exciting episode of POKEMON BATTLES! This is a special episode, where you will witness a BRAWL between twelve fine Pokemon from two good trainers! Let's see what we have in store today: RAGNAROKALEX'S TEAM: Porygon-Z (Hacketia) Nature: Modest Type...
  12. DarkSlay

    Data State of the Game - 8/7/2011

    Effective immediately (08/09/2011 9:00 PM EST): Evasion is a dead issue in the SotG. Dodge is not going anywhere, and all future SotG's the Evasion issue is explicitly prohibited from discussion. Discussion involving evasion will be moderated. Hi all, and welcome to another exciting edition...
  13. DarkSlay

    Tournament Battle! Deck Knight V. Destiny Warrior (R2)

    NUMBER OF POKEMON: 2v2 BATTLE TYPE: Singles RECOVERIES: Two Recovers per Pokemon | Five Chills per Pokemon SWITCH: Switch=KO ITEMS: Items OFF ABILITIES: All Abilities The ASB Tournament Arena Surrounded by thousands of screaming Pokemon fans, the ASB Arena can be best described as a...
  14. DarkSlay

    Battle Hall Challenge - Maxim

    Only users: DarkSlay and Maxim should be posting in this thread. Maxim will be using Aron with Rock Head: Aron [Korangon] (M) Nature: Mild (Adds One (1) Rank to Special Attack; Subtracts One (1) Rank From Defense) Type: Steel:Steel STAB; Immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to...
  15. DarkSlay

    HLM #1 - Rising Dusk V. Deck Knight

    ASB HIGHLIGHT MATCH HLM #1 | WEEK OF 6 / 6 / 2011 This is it! The moment you all have been waiting for! These two challengers will face off in what should be an incredible fight! Which one will prove their strength to the world and make it out on top? It all comes down to this - ASB's...
  16. DarkSlay

    Data Highlight Match (WEEK 1: 6/6/2011) - Step 2

    ASB HIGHLIGHT MATCH WEEK ONE - PART TWO Welcome, one and all, to the greatest bi-weekly spectacle of ASB talent: the ASB Highlight Match! Highlight matches pit two of the top ASB players against each other for all to see! These matches will test the skills of the players chosen, and...
  17. DarkSlay

    Data Highlight Match (WEEK 1: 6/6/2011) - Step 1

    ASB HIGHLIGHT MATCH WEEK ONE - PART ONE Welcome, one and all, to the greatest bi-weekly spectacle of ASB talent: the ASB Highlight Match! Highlight matches pit two of the top ASB players against each other for all to see! These matches will test the skills of the players chosen, and will give...
  18. DarkSlay

    Triples Battle! IceBug V. GoldenKnight! (Ref: DarkSlay)

    Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another top Pokemon battle between two extremely fine trainers in the ASB world! We have a special treat for you guys: a triples battle! IceBug's Team: Shelmet Oki (M) Nature: Timid (Multiples Base Speed by 1.15 and provides a flat accuracy boost on all...
  19. DarkSlay

    The ASB Singles Tournament #1 Prize Claim

    | THE ASB SINGLES TOURNAMENT | PRIZE CLAIM Hello trainers! This is the thread where you may submit the counters you have earned in the tournament to purchase new moves and abilities for your Pokemon. Remember, evolving your Pokemon is not allowed and you cannot buy new Pokemon in this thread...
  20. DarkSlay

    Tournament Battle (COMPLETED)! HD V. Terrador14!

    NUMBER OF POKEMON: 2v2 BATTLE TYPE: Singles RECOVERIES: Two Recovers per Pokemon | Five Chills per Pokemon SWITCH: Switch=KO ITEMS: Items OFF ABILITIES: All Abilities The ASB Tournament Arena Surrounded by thousands of screaming Pokemon fans, the ASB Arena can be best described as a...