Search results

  1. Mathy

    Tournament Rands Slam IV - Multi Hackmons Cup Open - Round 1

    Hosted by Irpachuza and Mathy Logo by eva Welcome to the Multi Hackmons Cup Open! Test your ability to adapt to the chaos of completely random teams in the following formats: Gen 7 Hackmons Cup Gen 8 Hackmons Cup Gen 9 Hackmons Cup Gen 9 Doubles Hackmons Cup Gen 9 Broken Cup In the early...
  2. Mathy

    Tournament Rands Slam IV - Multi Hackmons Cup Open - Signups

    Hosted by Irpachuza and Mathy Logo by eva Welcome to the Multi Hackmons Cup Open! Test your ability to adapt to the chaos of completely random teams in the following formats: Gen 7 Hackmons Cup Gen 8 Hackmons Cup Gen 9 Hackmons Cup Gen 9 Doubles Hackmons Cup Gen 9 Broken Cup In the early...
  3. Mathy

    Chat /statcalc detecting level NaN

    What type of bug are you reporting? Chat What is the bug? /statcalc detects any text starting with "level" or "lvl" as the level number. It filters out any non-digit characters, which leads to the unintended consequence of being able to have Level NaN: Are you able to replicate it? If so...
  4. Mathy

    Approved Make "Shift" option more visible on dark mode

    you know, the thing for triple battles
  5. Mathy

    Chat can't upload Fortemons/Trademarked teams

    What type of bug are you reporting? Teambuilder What is the bug? The teams server does not accept teams for OMs such as Fortemons and Trademarked that allow a talent in the wrong moveset field. Are you able to replicate it? If so, how? Try to upload a sample Fortemons team that has...
  6. Mathy

    Done /randpoke "pokemon not found" in old gen battles

    What type of bug are you reporting? Chat What is the bug? Currently, typing /randpoke or /randmove can roll things that don't exist in the gen of the battle you use it in, resulting in it saying that the Pokemon/move was not found in the gen. It should instead check the room's format in the...
  7. Mathy

    FOR THE GUYS how long until i reach a 4x like ratio

    to be clear i'm not changing my current posting habits, i just think it's inevitable looking at my high LPP as of late. i was going to do some sort of "post recap" but that's effectively just advertising my own posts, which feels like cheating.
  8. Mathy

    explain jokes in great detail

    Sijih 's post in "Thread for Did you knows" was inspiring: we should all explain jokes so that people who may not be as knowledgeable about our community can understand. i'll go first: Pokemon is a turn-based RPG where the goal is to command your creatures to attack your opponents' and reduce...
  9. Mathy

    Tournament DS Classic Open (Won by HaunterBoy28)

    Hosted by Wubben and Mathy. Approved by circuit hosts Logo by Syrinix Welcome to the DS Classic Open! This tournament is your chance to showcase your skills in Generations 4, 5, and 6 Random Battles in a single elimination best-of-3 series. This tournament is part of our ongoing Rands Slam...
  10. Mathy

    Tournament DS Classic Open - Signups

    Hosted by Wubben and Mathy. Approved by one of the circuit hosts forgot which one Logo by Syrinix Welcome to the DS Classic Open! This tournament is your chance to showcase your skills in Generations 4, 5, and 6 Random Battles in a single elimination best-of-3 series. This tournament is part...
  11. Mathy

    Stuff you (and nobody else) say every day and know EXACTLY where it came from

    What's a catchphrase of yours that has a silly origin story? Mine is "roady road." One day my two brothers and I were on a road trip and decided to have a no-laughing contest. My youngest brother (in early elementary school at the time) led with "Roady Road" and it caught both of us completely...
  12. Mathy

    smogoff bakes a cake [TUTORIAL]

    we can do it guys. dont add too much vanilla extract
  13. Mathy

    what if there were smogon badges but irl

    we should have a tiering contributor badge but irl. like if u vote in 10 general elections or 4 local elections they give u a larger license plate. just saying
  14. Mathy

    Duplicate Warn user if they are about to join a long battle

    Battles that have gone on for very many turns can lag one's browser a lot when first joining the battle -- the client must parse the entire battle log up to that point, after all. So it would be nice if before joining a battle that has gone on for X turns (X to be discussed) a popup would display:
  15. Mathy

    Done /dexsearch should show extra forms if a sort is used

    Normally /ds doesn't display multiple forms for the same pokemon if they all match, and this is fine behavior. However, if i use a sort that differentiates them, I would like them all to show up e.g. /ds ghost, steel would only show one Aegislash, but /ds ghost, steel, atk desc would show...
  16. Mathy

    Tournament Same Duos Cup [Won by RoyalReloaded]

    Hosted by mathfreak231 (Mathy on PS!) and HugeNoobLmao (Pika Sup on PS!) Approved by Isaiah Welcome to the first ever Same Duos Cup! Same Duo is a game where you and your opponent bring the same two species of Pokemon to a Double Battle. Teambuilding mindgames shall ensue in this fun minigame...
  17. Mathy

    Rock-Paper-Smogoff! [Won by Snak]

    Hosted by me. Approved by nobody lol Welcome to (probably) the very first Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament on Smogon! Now you can test your skills at Pokemon Showdown's second most popular challengeable game in a Single Elimination tournament. "What?" I hear you ask. "Pokemon Showdown only has...
  18. Mathy

    Invalid Tours Minigames: Use rulesets for Same Six/Solo/Duo

    I see too many people accidentally click the wrong team and get DQd when they start the battle; pls have monita use /tour rules instead of manual DQs wherever possible. A consequence of this is that the required team is shown to everyone before they join, which is also a good idea because people...
  19. Mathy

    Pending Allow duplicate talents in Hackmons Cup custom rulesets

    Something to add to the pile of "rulesets for random team generators" suggestions. There should be a way to allow Hackmons Cup generators to sample with replacement, e.g. to give multiple Pokemon Metronome. Would probably be implemented as a clause.
  20. Mathy

    Rejected - Inactive Allow opting out of receiving past messages when joining a room

    This suggestion is geared towards bots, not human users connected through the standard client. Currently the PS! server sends a not-very-brief history of recent messages when a connected client joins a room. While this is obviously beneficial for the average user, many bots probably don't care...