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  1. Max. Optimizer

    Public Announcements - Latest: New Forum Staff (10/30/23)

    User Safety The Smogon forums staff takes the safety of their forumgoers very seriously and we over here in the Wi-Fi sub-forum welcome the opportunity to do our part as well. Errors and omissions occur. However, we use reasonable care to ensure that we include as much useful information as we...
  2. Max. Optimizer

    SS In-Game Tips and Tricks [GP 2/2] {QC 3/3}

    Title: SS In-Game Tips and Tricks Introduction In this article, I will discuss tips and tricks that will be helpful for your Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Shield playthrough. Please note that some of the tips and tricks you are about to find below can only be done once you have become the Champion...
  3. Max. Optimizer

    EV Training Pokémon in Gen 8 [GP 2/2] {QC 2/2}

    Title: EV Training Pokémon in Gen 8 Introduction In this article, I will discuss Effort Value (EV) training, a mechanic that was introduced in the first Generation 3 games approximately 17 years ago. I will go over the general basics of how and where to efficiently EV train, including...
  4. Max. Optimizer

    PSA: On the topic of the SwSh Y-COM Glitch (Fixed as of the v1.1.1 update!)

    There are hacked Pokémon circulating around on Surprise Trade that can cause the Y-COM system to crash games when trying to access online features. (Source)
  5. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen 7] Burn The Pages: The best of Max. Optimizer. Saying "good-bye" to Generation 7. [Complete]

    Burn The Pages: The best of Max. Optimizer. Saying "good-bye" to Generation 7. Introduction: Best greetings fellow Smogon users, it is giveaway time! With the advent of the 8th generation of Pokémon, I wanted to give away some of my best Pokémon one last time before we move on to new...
  6. Max. Optimizer

    Generation 7 Berry Guide

    Approved by shiny finder [Part 1] Title: Generation 7 Berry Guide Introduction In this article, I will discuss Berries, a feature that was introduced in the Pokémon Gold and Silver games around 20 years ago. However, much like the number of virtual monsters that consume said Berries, the...
  7. Max. Optimizer

    Festival Plaza

    Approved by shiny finder [Part 1] Title: Festival Plaza Introduction The Festival Plaza (FP), first introduced in the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon (SM) and kept in the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon (USM) sequels, is the spiritual successor of the Player Search System (PSS) known...
  8. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen 7] Fire Meet Gasoline: Max. Optimizer's "3 Year Anniversary on Smogon" giveaway. [Complete]

    Fire Meet Gasoline: Max. Optimizer's "3 Year Anniversary on Smogon" giveaway. Introduction: Best greetings fellow Smogon users, it is giveaway time! Today I would like to celebrate my 3 Year Anniversay here on Smogon together by giving away a couple of my competitive self-bred and TSV...
  9. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen 7] The greatest: Max. Optimizer' birthday giveaway ft. shiny Celebi (+ proof) [COMPLETE]

    The Greatest: Max. Optimizer's birthday giveaway ft. shiny Celebi (+ proof) Introduction: Best greetings fellow Smogon users, it is giveaway time! Today is my 26th birthday and I wanted to celebrate this with all of you! Some of you might remember my "Bird Set Free" giveaway, during which I...
  10. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen7] Unstoppable: Max. Optimizer & Fischgrat's joint "2 Year Anniversary on Smogon" giveaway. [Open]

    Unstoppable: Max. Optimizer's & Fischgrat's joint "2 Year Anniversary on Smogon" giveaway. Introduction: Best greetings fellow Smogon users, it is giveaway time! This time around I welcome the opportunity to co-host a giveaway with my good friend Fischgrat. Today we would like to celebrate...
  11. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen 7] Bird Set Free: Shiny HA Lugia and Shiny HA Ho-Oh Giveaway (+ proof) [Complete]

    Bird Set Free: Shiny Lugia & Shiny Ho-Oh Giveaway (+ proof) Introduction: Best greetings fellow Smogon users, it is Giveaway time! Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, this time I welcome the opportunity to give away the shiny versions of the 2 cover legendaries from Gold & Silver that I...
  12. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen 7] Max. Optimizer's flawless female Breedables Giveaway! [Complete]

    Welcome to Maximum Optimizer's flawless female Breedables Giveaway! Introduction: Best greetings fellow Smogon users! It's Giveaway time and everybody is welcome to participate! Today I decided to change things up a little bit and give you guys and girls a couple Breedables instead of Shinies...
  13. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen7] Max. Optimizer's Birthday Giveaway ft. TSV Shinies and Shiny Silvally! [Complete]

    Welcome to Maximum Optimizer's Birthday Giveaway! Introduction: Greetings fellow Smogon users! It’s Giveaway time and everybody is welcome to participate! Today is my 25th birthday and I wanted to celebrate this with all of you! Due to popular demand (66,2% of the people voted for this in...
  14. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen 7] Free The Animal: Shiny Silvally Giveaway (+ proof) [Complete]

    Approved by .com Free The Animal: Shiny Silvally Giveaway (+proof) Introduction: Greetings fellow Smogon users, Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, this time I am giving away a shiny Silvally that I soft-resetted as a shiny Type: Null at the Æther Paradise after an entire week. I will...
  15. Max. Optimizer

    [Gen7] Maximum Optimizer's "1 Year Anniversary on Smogon" Giveaway. [Complete]

    Welcome to Maximum Optimizer's "1 Year Anniversary on Smogon" Giveaway! Introduction: Greetings fellow Smogon users. Today is my 1 Year Anniversay here on Smogon and I wanted to celebrate this by giving away a couple of my competitive self-bred and TSV hatched shiny Pokémon. Some of you might...
  16. Max. Optimizer

    This Giveaway is officially over. Please do not request any more Pokémon.

    Welcome to my Shiny Pokémon Giveaway Greetings my valued fellow Smogon users, while I am currently taking a break from trading in my trade thread for personal reasons, I wanted to give away a couple of my self-bred & TSV hatched Shiny Pokémon that I passionately collected over the past 5 months...
  17. Max. Optimizer

    Max. Optimizer's Trouser Pouch Monstrosity Répertoire ft. Ribbon Masters, RNGs, SRs, & More

    Art © Jackii (2017) ❝Trade Thread Banner❞ I would like to give a shout-out to Jackii for designing the amazing trade thread banner above for me as a gift. Please check out Jackii's art on Smogon, DeviantArt, Twitter, and Instagram. Preamble & Personal Introduction: I offer my best greetings. I...