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  • Users: Der Twist
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Der Twist

    ORAS OU Before it Begins

    (Banner completely unrelated) Yo. Not been here for a long long while, mainly because I hate it here but whatever. Still couldn't resist teambuilding like a madman for the Hell of it, even if Lando-i, the offence lord, had to sadly leave our joyous metagame, though now we do accommodate...
  2. Der Twist

    Silent Hills Cancelled ;-;

    So if anyone gives a shit about the horror scene of video gaming then this should be no news to you at this point, but Silent Hills, one of the most anticipated horror games of the year, has recently been caned. Well, fuck. I have to say, as a devout Silent Hill fan I'm upset and somewhat happy...
  3. Der Twist

    ORAS OU Black Stars

    Didn't actually want to make and RMT for this particular team, I'd already shared it elsewhere so I thought I'd be a bit more original and work on a new team for this board, but alas this team has become my present milestone which my other teams try to live up to, and while I have been...
  4. Der Twist

    ORAS OU How to be a Decent Human Being

    I've not been around the RMT board that much anymore, since work I've not had much time to write Wikipedia articles pointing out the obvious on people's teams before anyone else has the chance to say the same thing only better, but this place is still where I have my roots on Smogon so I'll...
  5. Der Twist

    Landorus-Therian (Revamp)

    Landorus-Therian [OVERVIEW] Landorus-T's superb typing gives him immunities to Electric and Ground, two very potent offensive typings, and resistances to Bug, Fighting, and Poison. Landorus-T's defensive potential is also commendable, primarily his physically defensive capabilities that are...
  6. Der Twist

    Eh, Why Not? Twist's 'Art' Thread

    I am not an artist, so this thread will not be loaded with anything exceptionally good, nor updated frequently. But I have some stuff so I might as well share it. Some stuff here is better than others, that's for sure, I am not very consistent. I have a thing for drawing cats eyes. I have...
  7. Der Twist

    ORAS OU Gunslinger: The Anti-Meta Revolver

    Greetings, fellow individuals! I'm here again bringing you another RMT, hopefully surpassing the last one. This team was based around a concept I'd not yet properly worked with before, I tried to once but I just ended up converting it back to balanced; this is a cold-blooded Hyper Offensive...
  8. Der Twist

    ORAS OU Numa Numa (a dual-core team)

    So after no real success with my last team I was hanging around on the Competitive Tutoring chat on Showdown. I love that place! It's always fun to go to and it's always good helping someone out and learning stuff yourself. I've not been laddering with this team because I'm taking a break from...
  9. Der Twist

    ORAS OU Transition from X/Y to OR/AS (Standard Megazard X Team)

    Isn't going quite as smoothly as I'd hoped and I really could use help from people who know what they're doing to help adapt this team to the new meta. So I started with Megazard X because it's a great bulky set-up mon. Really good offensive and defensive typing, recovery, good set-up, just...
  10. Der Twist

    So I made a team

    I'm new to competitive. Like, really new. Like still got the umbilical cord standard new, so forgive me if this team is a pile of ass, I just wanted an opinion from people who actually know what they're doing. I gave it a go on Showdown recently, the few battles I had with it in-game were...