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  • Users: Havak
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Havak

    Pokémon VGC Tournament - Manchester, United Kingdom, Saturday, July 21st

    After many successful tournaments over the past three years, gamerbase are once again providing Pokémon fans with the opportunity to take part in an exciting event. This will be gamerbase Manchester's fourth Pokémon video game tournament and the stakes have never been higher. For the first time...
  2. Havak

    Mario Kart 7 Tournament [Sign Ups]

    Smogon Mario Kart 7 Tournament After getting involved in some discussions in the Nintendo 3DS Thread, the idea came about for someone to host this, so I thought I might as well have a crack. It's still a bit rough at the moment but I've brainstormed some ideas to see how would be best to run...
  3. Havak

    International Wi-Fi Tournament - Autumn Friendly [OVER - Rankings Released Nov. 1st]

    Poké An official tournament has been announced to take place over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. It will go by the name of the 'Autumn Friendly' and is the first official international Wi-Fi tournament ever (it has taken place in Japan already). During the tournament, you’ll play against...
  4. Havak

    Cresselia [Placeholder]

    [Overview] Cresselia is one of the most defensively bulky Pokemon available and thanks to its wide array of support moves, Cresselia can find its way onto almost any kind of team. Levitate makes Cresselia even more flexible, allowing its partner to use Earthquake with no fear. The downsides to...
  5. Havak

    UK VGC 11 Warstory - Breaking the Barrier

    So, I'd made my team a good two weeks before the date of the competition, and decided to not overplay it during those two weeks. I got a win-streak of over 30 games on Pokémon Online, so didn't want to push my luck. I packed my bag on the Friday and left for Bolton just after 4pm. I met up with...
  6. Havak

    Independent UK Tournaments - Back Door into Worlds LCQ

    1-Up Events is holding eight (8) Pokémon Championship qualifying events across the UK throughout May, June, and July on an adventure to crown the first Independent UK Pokémon Champion. Each Qualifier is open to 128 registered competitors and the top 8 players from each qualifier will be invited...
  7. Havak

    VGC & TCG Tournaments Cancelled in Japan

    (Didn't see a thread on this) Along with the delay of the Global Link, Nintendo have announced that the Japanese TCG and VGC qualifiers for this year have been outright cancelled. It's a great shame, but it could also impact us. It's...
  8. Havak

    UK Pokémon Tournament - Manchester, November 6th 2010

    After three successful Pokémon Tournaments, Gamerbase are once again teaming up with PokémonWorld and PokéCharms to bring you another exciting Pokémon Tournament! Compete against other trainers in battles showcased on our large screen HD televisions and 15ft projected screen in order to win some...
  9. Havak

    Enigma Stone Event - Wi-Fi

    According to, the 'Enimga Stone' Event Item will be available for download via Mystery Gift and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection from July 31st - August 27th. This is the European Event most likely, as Germany is the first place to have it announced. However, since every European Wi-Fi Event...
  10. Havak

    UK Jirachi Event - Wi-Fi

    Jirachi Event - Wi-Fi It has been announced that this special Jirachi will be distributed over Mystery Gift in the UK and Europe via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection from June 26th to July 16th. I'm sure you all know by now that this Jirachi has the special move Draco Meteor and comes with all the...
  11. Havak

    Havak's Birmingham VGC War Story

    So, as with most people, my journey started last year after VGC 2009. I was underprepared last year and wanted to do well this time, so I played a lot and made sure I had a good team. However, the night before got a little messy. I had some friends round, and drank about 20 bottles of beer. I...
  12. Havak

    United Kingdom Qualifier - Birmingham, May 29th, 2010 - WON BY REES/MRS. BLACKBIRD

    UK Video Game Championships Qualifier, Birmingham The Pokémon Video Game Championships are again happening in the United Kingdom. Last year, our event was held in England's capital, London. This year, however, we'll have to head to England's second largest city, Birmingham, which is a lot...
  13. Havak

    UK Pokémon Tournament - Manchester, July 2010

    Prove you're the best Pokémon trainer in the UK by competing in a Double Battle Pokémon Tournament using Widescreen HD Televisions and Pokémon Battle Revolution at Manchester's Gamerbase, inside HMV. Win fabulous prizes such as a copy of the latest Pokémon games, Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver...
  14. Havak

    UK Pokémon Tournament - Manchester, Battle Format

    There's a high chance that a Pokémon tournament will take place at Gamerbase, Manchester, sometime in the Summer this year. Most likely on a Saturday in July, ran by myself, Natalie, and a few other people. We've hit a bit of an obstacle in deciding the battle format in order to come up with the...
  15. Havak

    Monster Hunter Tri

    Format: Wii exclusive Release Date: April 20th (USA), April 23rd (EUR) Official Website: I didn't see a thread for Monster Hunter in the first 10-11 pages, so I thought I'd just make a thread to discuss it as it's out in the near future. I've personally...
  16. Havak

    Pikachu Coloured Pichu European Distribution

    From Friday 5th March you'll be able to download the special Pikachu Coloured Pichu via Wi-Fi Connection. You'll have until Friday 26th March to download it for your copy of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. The Pichu is a Shiny Pichu and enables you to get the Spiky-eared Pichu in Pokémon...
  17. Havak

    UK Arceus Event - GAME Stores

    UK Arceus Event In the two weeks running up to the launch of Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver in the UK, from March 13th - March 21st, GAME will be hosting events in selected stores. You'll be the first to play HeartGold & SoulSilver, meet other Pokémon fans to trade, collect and battle to...
  18. Havak

    Smogon Fantasy Football (Soccer) League 2009/10

    Smogon Fantasy Football League - Sign up to Premier League Fantasy Football here. It's free. FAQ - It's advised you read this before you start making your team. You're able to set up your own 'Private League' and only accept players that you want to join...
  19. Havak

    Havak's VGC Report - London

    Well, here's my take on things. Day One So, I got my dad to drop me and Kirsty (girlfriend) off at the train station at about 4pm, we wanted to get there early just in case. The train station was annoyingly busy and the information for our train wasn’t available yet. What do you do at a...
  20. Havak

    UK Smogon Tournaments?

    UK Smogon Meets / Tournaments? UK Smogon Tournaments Now, we all know that Smogon is huge and very well known these days, but there's always room for new things and expansion; bringing more to the UK is one of my main aims. Recently, I participated in a tournament hosted by a website called...