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  • Users: Ditto
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Ditto

    A Very Poke-Spelling Bee!

    [ Instagram post ] [ Twitch Channel ] [ Donation Link ] Hey everyone! Hope everyone is doing well this Holiday season with all the craziness going on. I'm running tech for a fundraising event for a NYC theater tomorrow that is featuring a whole bunch of Voice Actors from the Pokemon series...
  2. Ditto

    Mafia vs Village Dead Mafia II [Day 5]

    DEAD MAFIA II ACTIVITY As a player of this game you are expected to be active on Discord and through PMs. This game is designed around allowing people to still impact the game after they die, so even if you are lynched Day 1 or killed Night 1 you can still play the game. Because of this...
  3. Ditto

    Mafia vs Village Dead Mafia II Sign-ups

    DEAD MAFIA II ACTIVITY As a player of this game you are expected to be active on Discord and through PMs. This game is designed around allowing people to still impact the game after they die, so even if you are lynched Day 1 or killed Night 1 you can still play the game. Because of this...
  4. Ditto

    Postgame Dead Mafia (Won by The Mafia & The Survivor)

    DEAD MAFIA POSTGAME Created by Ditto 1 Village vs 1 Mafia 23 Players Game Thread | Spreadsheet Won by Empoof (epicsnorlax), VeryPinkPancakes (askaninjask), sandshrewz, Jalmont, Aura Guardian, Walrein (rssp1), Paperblade, Mithril, Eagle4 ACTIVITY As a player of this game you are expected to be...
  5. Ditto

    Mafia vs Village Dead Mafia (GAME OVER) Won by The Mafia & The Survivor

    DEAD MAFIA approved by UncleSam, shade, and Da Letter El 1 Village vs 1 Mafia 23 Players ACTIVITY As a player of this game you are expected to be active on IRC and through PMs. This game is designed around allowing people to still impact the game after they die, so even if you are lynched Day...
  6. Ditto

    Mafia vs Village Dead Mafia (Sign-ups)

    DEAD MAFIA approved by UncleSam, shade, and Da Letter El 1 Village vs 1 Mafia 23 Players DESCRIPTION Dead Mafia is a 1 Village vs 1 Mafia game that incorporates 23 players. The initial set-up is like a standard Mafia, but when a player dies, they will receive a new Role PM as a Dead player...
  7. Ditto

    Ditto's Daycare Center (LC Mons)

    STATUS: CLOSED (ON VACATION) What These are all Pokemon bred specifically for use in Little Cup (although many of them/their evolutions function in higher tiers). Why I decided to start breeding Pokemon for Little Cup on a whim, and I noticed that there aren't a lot of available Pokemon on WiFi...
  8. Ditto

    Ditto's Daycare

    Ditto's Daycare
  9. Ditto

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament [Finals] [Won by Vinc2612]

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament Smogon Tournament Rules & Guidelines Smogon XY Tournament [Round 1] Smogon XY Tournament [Round 2] Smogon XY Tournament [Round 3] Battle Rules Level 50 6v6 Singles Banned Pokemon: Mewtwo, Blaziken, Xerneas, Yveltal, and all pokemon unobtainable within either X...
  10. Ditto

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament [Semifinals]

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament Smogon Tournament Rules & Guidelines Smogon XY Tournament [Round 1] Smogon XY Tournament [Round 2] Smogon XY Tournament [Round 3] Battle Rules Level 50 6v6 Singles Banned Pokemon: Mewtwo, Blaziken, Xerneas, Yveltal, and all pokemon unobtainable within either X...
  11. Ditto

    Smogon XY Kickoff Tournament [Round 4]

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament Smogon Tournament Rules & Guidelines Smogon XY Tournament [Round 1] Smogon XY Tournament [Round 2] Smogon XY Tournament [Round 3] Battle Rules Level 50 6v6 Singles Banned Pokemon: Mewtwo, Blaziken, Xerneas, Yveltal, and all pokemon unobtainable within either X...
  12. Ditto

    Smogon XY Kickoff Tournament [Round 3]

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament Smogon Tournament Rules & Guidelines Smogon XY Tournament [Round 1] Smogon XY Tournament [Round 2] Battle Rules Level 50 6v6 Singles Banned Pokemon: Mewtwo, Blaziken, Xerneas, Yveltal, and all pokemon unobtainable within either X or Y. Banned Abilities: Moody...
  13. Ditto

    Smogon XY Kickoff Tournament [Round 2]

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament Smogon Tournament Rules & Guidelines Smogon XY Tournament [Round 1] Battle Rules Level 50 6v6 Singles Banned Pokemon: Mewtwo, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, and all pokemon unobtainable within either X or Y. Banned Abilities: Moody Sleep Clause: If a player has...
  14. Ditto

    Smogon XY Kickoff Tournament [Round 1]

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament Smogon Tournament Rules & Guidelines How to Enter Just post in this thread with your Friend Code and you'll be added to the signup list. This tournament will use First Come, First Serve for the first 62.5% of the players, and then the last 37.5% from the...
  15. Ditto

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament [Signups]

    Smogon's XY Kickoff Tournament Smogon Tournament Rules & Guidelines How to Enter Just post in this thread with your Friend Code and you'll be added to the signup list. This tournament will use First Come, First Serve for the first 62.5% of the players, and then the last 37.5% from the...
  16. Ditto

    Ditto's Trade Thread

    Rules #000 - POKEMON [1] NATURE | ABILITY | xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx Non-shiny or Shiny | GENDER | Ball TRAINERNAME | 00000 | Generation [GAME] Egg Moves:
  17. Ditto

    The 8 Most Satanic Pokemon What have we been doing with our lives!?
  18. Ditto

    Smogon VGC Tournament III - Finals [Won by Biosci]

    Smogon VGC Tournament III Smogon's only Official Doubles Tournament. This is an official tournament, and that means a profile trophy is up for grabs. Good luck to all competitors. The winner will get a Pokemon cartridge game and all each of the top 4 will receive a t-shirt. How to Join or Host...
  19. Ditto

    Smogon VGC Tournament III [Semifinals]

    Smogon VGC Tournament III Smogon's only Official Doubles Tournament. This is an official tournament, and that means a profile trophy is up for grabs. Good luck to all competitors. The winner will get a Pokemon cartridge game and all each of the top 4 will receive a t-shirt. How to Join or Host...
  20. Ditto

    Smogon VGC Tournament III [Round 5]

    Smogon VGC Tournament III Smogon's only Official Doubles Tournament. This is an official tournament, and that means a profile trophy is up for grabs. Good luck to all competitors. The winner will get a Pokemon cartridge game and all each of the top 4 will receive a t-shirt. How to Join or Host...