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  1. EndlessGadgets


  2. EndlessGadgets

    i'll be ready in 2 minutes, was in another match

    i'll be ready in 2 minutes, was in another match
  3. EndlessGadgets

    oh. i misunderstood but that's probably still fine

    oh. i misunderstood but that's probably still fine
  4. EndlessGadgets

    works for me

    works for me
  5. EndlessGadgets

    My availability is the following (in EST): Monday before noon and after 10:30 PM Tuesday before...

    My availability is the following (in EST): Monday before noon and after 10:30 PM Tuesday before noon and after 2 PM Wednesday between 5 and 9 PM All day Thursday Friday after 7 PM Saturday before noon and after 10:30 PM Sunday currently unknown Let me know what works for you!
  6. EndlessGadgets

    Tournament DPP I - Battle Pools

    Activity wins Pool 1: obii > Axily Pool 1: CyndaKill-SH > Axily Pool 2: MrSvancy > meamPearl Pool 2: bobbiswas > meamPearl Pool 3: gephicka > freakydood Pool 3: Hacker > freakydood Pool 3: TwentyTwan > freakydood Pool 4: Arcaninebr 2.0 > MrGhost1724 Pool 5: dmbros > it’s tago! Pool 5...
  7. EndlessGadgets

    Tournament DPP I - Battle Pools

    Tempered Piyu The replay link in Tempered's post does not work. I need one of you to please post a working replay. Make sure to check and search for private replays. If a working replay is not posted by the deadline tonight, the game will be coinflipped as if it did...
  8. EndlessGadgets

    Tournament DPP I - Battle Pools

    Activity Win Request Calling act on hexjob. I made three attempts on Discord to no response, followed by three posts on their wall to no response as well. They didn't respond to any other people in my pool either.
  9. EndlessGadgets

    Making one last attempt here

    Making one last attempt here
  10. EndlessGadgets

    Trying again to schedule here.

    Trying again to schedule here.
  11. EndlessGadgets

    Tournament DPP I - Battle Pools won vs. EziiPS gg pool 25
  12. EndlessGadgets

    Hello. We play for DPP draft. I've reached out to you multiple times on Discord with no response...

    Hello. We play for DPP draft. I've reached out to you multiple times on Discord with no response so now I'm trying to contact you here. My availability for next week is the following (in EST): All day Monday and Wednesday Tuesday after 7 PM Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before noon and after...
  13. EndlessGadgets

    Metagame DPP Draft

    In this post I will discuss the Pokemon themselves. Each one will have a basic rundown of what they can do and their place in the metagame. I will cover every Pokemon from 18 to 14 points. Afterwards I will briefly cover other commonly drafted Pokemon that cost 13 points or less...
  14. EndlessGadgets

    Metagame DPP Draft

    :Infernape: DPP Draft :Metagross: Smogon's first DPP draft is here! Unlike other formats that have had guides written for them, DPP draft is a more unexplored metagame. Due to this, there are many, many things still to be discovered about the format. In this post, I will give a comprehensive...
  15. EndlessGadgets

    Signups DPP I - Signups

    Discord Tag endlessgadgets Time Zone GMT-5
  16. EndlessGadgets

    Signups ADV Cup - Signups

    Discord Tag endlessgadgets Time Zone GMT-4
  17. EndlessGadgets

    Draft SS Cup II - Battle Pools (#1-32) Pool 30, won 3-0 vs. LillianOfficial
  18. EndlessGadgets

    Ended up finishing what I was doing early so I can play whenever you want to go.

    Ended up finishing what I was doing early so I can play whenever you want to go.
  19. EndlessGadgets

    Can we push back to 9 pm?

    Can we push back to 9 pm?
  20. EndlessGadgets

    Sure let's do Thursday at 8 PM gmt-4

    Sure let's do Thursday at 8 PM gmt-4