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  • yo, just wanted to let you know on the match checker, it seems to have double counted games from WCoP. It's also struggling with games where a match from a previous round gets extended, so the OP for the next round has player x vs (player y vs player z). It seems to just disclude those games.
    On your replay scouter, could you make the rightmost column wider so that the dropdown box is big enough to display the whole list of mons?
    Also thank you for making it publicly available, it has saved me a lot of time!
    Does the team scouter only work for Windows?
    Well I could implement that but I don't know if there would be much of a usage of this.
    Hmm I personally would find that just as helpful but I guess maybe wait around and see if there are others who are interested. Good job on all this work though. It's great and I'm really impressed! Hope I can do something like this one day :D
    Would be honored if I could inspire someone with my work! :]
    I will see if I make some options for it anyway (for example letting you enter a smogon user and search replays for this user and his alts).
    Hey there, I'm considering porting your Forum Team Crawler to Node.js, for use behind the scenes on my website. If I do so, would you prefer I keep it closed source, or would open sourcing it with credit to you & your C# project be acceptable?

    (credit would also be provided if I were to end up using the output data on my site!)
    That would be cool! Do what you feel like, however credit would be of course appreciated, like you said.

    I would wait however with implementing since I'm still working on a better version with the new design, a better team identification and pastebin / hastebin support.

    Have to excuse however for the code quality, this always happens with these projects.
    You could probably implement a better team identification.
    And a parser in your implementation, but you'll have to see.
    That sounds great. I won't be jumping at it too immediately, but I dig how you've got it crawling and I imagine this could be of great use for analysis, or even a template system for assisting users in team building.

    Will keep an eye on your project, nice work with it!
    im using ur team stealer program and it doesnt load teams anymore for me it just sits there doing nothing.
    Can you send me your input?
    Also I'm not very often on here, so if you need help with that, it's best to add me on Skype: fulllifegamer
    Otherwise it might take days / weeks for me to reply.
    So I guess the problem fixed itself then?
    yea it took like 10-15 minutes for the teams and replays to show up. also discord >skype
    Yo you have some really cool work, I wanted to ask if you are willing to make a few adjustments to better suit my/others needs, if you are willing
    http://fulllifegamer.bplaced.net: for this guy, I sometimes have issues with formes. Rotom-Wash is the example in my memory that really pissed me off, would be convenient if I didn't have to replace any sprites myself.
    Sorry to bother, not sure if it's a problem on my end but your importable converter doesn't seem to load at all... : /
    Edit: I think you posted the wrong links on smogon! the link on youtube redirects to the correct version.
    Ah, good that you noticed, Smogon trolled me there with not updating my link! The new link should be on the thread now :)
    hey dude, will you be updating your sprite converter to support gen7 minisprites soon? jw
    Hey brother, we're paired for round two of the ghosting tour. I think you're German, so it would be great for us (GMT +11 and GMT -7) if you could play on Tuesday or Wednesday morning (ideally 8-9 AM, but I think Advantage and Lysergic can be around until a bit later than that if necessary). Alternatively we could try roughly two hours later than that on a weekend. Let me know what works :)
    Tom Bus
    Tom Bus
    Hey, I'm still waiting to hear from Lysergic, but Advantage is willing to play at 2 AM his time, although earlier would be better. Can you offer any other times that are reasonable for GMT +11 and GMT -7?
    Will be a bit interesting, but we should manage it at 10 AM on saturday, if there is no other way.
    Tom Bus
    Tom Bus
    Thanks a lot, appreciate it n_n
    mistagged you in PU open round 4 which means you didn't get an alert, just posting here to let you know
    Hey we're paired up for round 2 of NU Open. When do you want to play? I'm GMT -4 and available to play any day after Monday from 1 PM to 5 PM my time.
    Well since I didn't see you around on smogtours, you wanna play the same time tomorrow?
    Sorry, I'm sick. Because of that I didn't make it. Tomorrow probably won't work either. Friday?
    Friday is fine with me.
    Hey. I see you're from Germany so I assume you'll be in GMT +2 when you get back from vacation. We play for the Three for One NU teamtour and the deadline is Monday 10 PM GMT +2. Since you're on vacation till Sunday I think we're only really able to play Monday before the deadline. So let me know when you could as soon as you can please. :]
    Welp, looks like both of my team mates lost to yours already. :[ If you want to I'll still play our game tomorrow at the agreed time, but if you'd rather not then that's fine too. :]
    Well I'm not really in the best position to play right now and as you say, we don't really need to. Just have a good day :]
    Fair enough. Good luck next round!
    Hi, when do you want to play for ubers open. I can play after 7pm on weekdays and should be free this weekend (gmt -8)
    I guess I will deal with it later, I'm going back to bed.
    Oh, I'm an idiot. I forgot to factor in day light savings time.
    Hmm, ah whatever. Just take the win. I don't want to wake you up again
    got subbed in for ost, i can probably play at the weekend next week (saturday 6th/sunday 7th), gmt +13
    I waited ~30 minutes now and it's getting late...
    Well, I waited now for an hour and don't really have plans for waiting any longer. I'm sorry but I think that I have to request Activity tomorow.
    yeah go for it i got busy, take the win
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