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  • Hello, I have a Mawile egg that mathces your TSV. Are you still willing to help with hatchings?
    Found you on the shiny id database :) and i was hoping you could hatch my egg :)) the shiny id on the egg is 3307.
    My FC: 1564 - 3258 - 9612 and my
    IGN: C.c
    Many thanks :) have iv5 eggs, like chansey, joltik, protean froakie, bulletproof chespin, gale fletching and clauncher, if you want, hoping for your reply,thanks :))
    Hi Krazymono, mind hatching an egg for me please? My FC's 1478 3570 2013 and I've added you... thank you so much in advance!
    Can you hatch an egg for me please?My fc 2793-1312-1299 IGN zayoko
    ok, I just need to know whats the shiny value you found me under. I updated my SV just recently, and if you found me by 1527 I am sorry to say that I cant hatch the egg. I believe my actual SV is 3307. Please let me know which one it is and I'll be more than happy to help if I can.
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