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  • Hey joey!

    The fusions showdown server that you played on stream is back and much cleaner/more user friendly. We've got a consistent player base and our discord is even hosting a team tour, which means I got a ton of teams I can drop you to get started. I'd love to see you try it out again, there's even more mons now than there used to be.
    Passive Aggressive is a new OM where all passive damage is based on the type of the Pokemon that triggered it, including life orb and attack recoil. The build below is a LO Sandy Shocks sun team, with fire-type stealth rock support from Heatran. Hope you enjoy!

    Here's a Meteor Beam Mew Webs team. Fixes issues of Mew's initial weak power and inability to break past Stall mons with the +1 and Psynoise resp. while also making good use of Mew's natural bulk. The team also some other cool techs like Adamant Booster Temper Flare Tusk which 2HKOes Alo and spins on all Gholds.
    Team also fts SD Sash Samu H act as backup lead/breaker/sash check to threats. The main draw of team is that Tusk, Mew, Samu H lures Dnite check so he can sweep late game.

    Huge shoutout to dunderguy who I built the team with. He gave the idea to run Webs with this Mew set and also suggested Temper Flare Booster Tusk. This gave me the initial direction to build towards a Dnite checks lure team.
    Hi joey,

    I built an AAA mence team if you'd like to peep it. The idea is to beat any variation of corv in the tier - whether it's fluffy, intim, baked body or volt absorb. I noticed in testing that corv is usually the defensive backbone on most teams which was why I built this

    I'll post more details on the team below
    Mence was the starting point,

    Skarm and hands form the defensive core (initially had fluffy Skarm, but you need volt absorb cause there's so much volt switch in AAA)

    Zap is your main special pressure and Rona switch in

    Zama is for breaking any corv that isn't fluffy with a 2hko on CC, and if it is fluffy mence will ohko it with lorb flamethrower
    Hoopa is the panic button because there's so many gimmick sets on the ladder and this covers nearly all of them. Psyshock is optional over f blast, knock etc but I found it nice for AV hands
    You can also swap spikes for rocks if you want to, I couldn't find a way to fit both in my limited hours of testing

    This time I got a super sheist Gyara Sand team. Originally I wanted to just run Sand but Gyara somehow fit super well on the team. The thing is, DD is ass, you got Lando T, Unaware guys, Idef guys, booster guy, Oger, Sucker/Clap, and plain annoying Tera so Gyara NEVER sweeps however, I feel this Phys Def set has a lot of merit.
    This is a Lucario team for BL Knights, but it is not bad in general i think, the only thing actually calculated was Quaquaval who at +1 outspeeds banded Meowscarada and at max health lives a flower trick from a jolly scarfed one (adamant is a 50-50).
    Built this team to take advantage of Miraidon being banned. It´s not the best, but Deo-A is a deadly attacker in Psy Terrain w Expanding Force, and webs is a perfect complement, team follows:
    L. Telles
    L. Telles
    Further synergy includes scarf Koraidon and all out LO Flutter, as both enjoy dominating speed tiers and the negation of priority
    I'm currently pushing high ladder on AAA with a unique hadron engine, surge surfer and galvanize core (currently ranked 34 but probably going to drop lmao) the biggest weakness of my team is probably fast special attackers + psychic terrain
    I got an AAA Team feat. Steel Beam Heatran and Beast Boost Ogerpon W
    The defensive core of Tran, Corvi and Pert is very hard to break while Oger, Zama and Lati kill off Pokemon one by one
    hey love ur team just one thing tough claw is better than sword of ruin as its 1.3 boost and even though stone edge doesnt get boost it usualluy enogh to kill moltress
    and mirror coat on swampert could be considered as well

    Almost Any Ability team peaked Top 30

    Weakness Policy Steam Engine Ursaluna Bloodmoon to punish flip turn swampert
    Roaring Moon speed control
    Bread and Butter of AAA Fluffy Corv and Regen Pert
    Trick Gholdengo to remove assault vest for moth and bloodmoon
    Sheer Force moth is crazy

    Here's a Thorns Veil for NUBL Knights. Now this is early but I thought of a very cool tech for Thorns randomly. That is Low Kick. Thorns was easy to play around as you can't Supercell into Grounds and Ice Punch is too weak. Low Kick is a phenomenal midground as all mons that might want to come into him are super fat. It's also a OHKO on Ting Lu at +1 with Rocks.
    Team also has Kyurem as it's too cheap on Veil + Snow. It comes in hot with 391 HP 394 Atk 648 Def and 434 SpDef. Between this absolutely ridiculous stats and Scal Shot, I don't even need to run Jolly and Adamant is ridiculously powerful.

    I have easily setup on CC LO Zama taken 50 and then OHKOed with +1 Spear 5 hits.

    I run Tera Fire for Balloon Ghold. You don't need defensive Tera.

    I think I am very close finding the optimal E Terrain build that Blunder was talking about. See, one of the answers is Moltres. Molt is really good because it deals with Ice Spinner Tusk and all grounds that switch into Pincurchin and Treads. It also deals with setup sweepers like Dnite, Gambit and Za. Most importantly it beats opposing Val.
    This gives E Terrain tremendous amount of utility and now it can actually deal defensively with threats, otherwise common E Terrain structures usually end up having to sack vs/lose the game to the above threats.

    Now, I think Treads, is mandatory because with Moltreels helping against Tusk, he has no weak points and is the best spinner in OU with this set.
    That leaves us with 3 open slots after Treads, Pincurchin and Molt. Valiant is also almost always the best option because he is the best Quark guy in OU probably so no reason to not run him.

    So we have 2 open slots, from which we need a a good Water resist, a Primarina check, a Kyurem check and finally a Rain and Sun check.

    This job is done well by AV Crown + Bulky Bolt.
    What we want to find is a second defensive mon like Molt that gives us the above, so that I can have one free slot like Sun.

    Even if you leave everything else I think a Sun/Rain and Water switch in way too important so we need a bulky Water/Grass/Dragon that ideally abuses terrain.

    What do you think could be that one guy which gives us all this? The only guys that come to my mind are Ferro, AV Tang, and Fini.
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