Choker Layton
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  • Yo, when can we play for NatDex Mono tour? I'm GMT-5, and my schedule is quite weird, so if you could lmk your times, that would be great. Cheers!
    Choker Layton
    Choker Layton
    since im 6h ahead, i cant play after 5-6pm your time. 4pm would suit me best on any day.
    hey, lc open, when's best for you? i'm gmt -4 at the moment, weekends preferred but i'm flexible there
    We are opponent in the bdsp tour. When do you want to play? I'm available every evening at 23 gmt +1
    Choker Layton
    Choker Layton
    man shit im sorry for screwing this over, havent recieved any notification and thought i wouldnt be in the tour bc of. im really sorry for the inconvinience i might have gotten you into
    No problem, nobody received the notification unfortunately
    Choker Layton
    Choker Layton
    that really sucks
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