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  • we're paired for gen 7 randbats open! my timezone is utc minus 5, you are 6 hours ahead of me. i can do (in my own timezone):
    weekdays: pretty much all day (if it conflicts with class time i'll tell you) as early as 9am or as late as you can imagine.
    weekends: 9-11 am or late night, i work most of the day.
    When play sm rands? Im gmt +5.5
    Hi, I'm GMT +1. Pretty much whenever works for me because I just got covid yesterday, so am inside all day! When would be good for you?
    when could be good?
    Hey I'm your opponent for the rands classic I'm -5 wanna just shoot for Wednesday or Sunday cause I'm working everyday this week but then if that doesn't work just let me know so we can figure something else out
    just saw one of your posts in an old trou thread and dropped by hoping you still check occasionally. first profile post in 2+ years n_n hope things r good
    I mean like... 'occasionally' does fit then I guess lol?! But definitely things are going well really yeah, I mean I'm now in 2nd year of uni which is all going great p. much though right now right now I'm on holiday in Israel, so not thinking about any of that now, and it's just compleeeeetely gorgeous. apparently there's a char limit on this for some reason so I'll continue below
    so it was actually a dream of smogon I had last night that made me come and check again lol, which clearly is a sign of something!!! Honestly I think maybe it would be cool to go back to pokemon a bit at some point (though I see you've left it too?!?!) though it feels like maybe they'll have added so much new stuff it'd take ages to get used to it.
    Also god it's slightly embarrassing to have the nucasts of me when I was like 15/16 permanently uploaded on youtube for all to see hahaha though looking back at them it's kinda funny and cute lol. Anyway, how are things for you man?
    <shnen> why would you use an apostrophe to indicate pluralisation you fucker
    <Audiosurfer> shnen takes the english language very seriously
    Nah, not really. Is 'Ranger Mike' your original nick because I'm afraid you don't ring a bell?
    Ranger Mike
    ik it doesnt it's just cause ive watched the smogcasts
    ah, I see
    CDXCIV not working
    23:32Joim!msg shnen it's "me gustaron", also it's "nos vemos" instead of "encontramos" as the latter implies casuality
    qué grande hermano, ahí ayudando a los guiris, más buena gente imposible
    Ugh, I totally missed when you said you could do it today, shoot. I can probs do it Tuesday between noon and 3 pm my time (5-8 your time?). Lets aim for that?
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