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  • That would be great, thanks! Remember, I need Trick and D-Meteor on it. Is there anything you need for it?
    It was good! Relaxing, but my family and I did a lot of stuff nonetheless.
    Ouch! Pretty hard week then :( How's the Latios coming along?
    Mind helping me with a PHP program after my exams? Also mind donating that program too?
    Hey, what's the program you posted in about? Also do you know PHP by any chance?
    Thank you :) also, before I forget, please nickname it 'Latios' because LATIOS in BW looks a bit odd. Thanks again :)
    All it needs to have is Trick and Draco Meteor are the moves I need. I can't access save files on a computer, but I can do 5th gen trading.
    Oh, by the way, if you ever get a good Timid HP Fire Latios, please let me know. I've been looking for one for ages!
    It's a forum in Smogon, where each month, people are taught how to battle. It's little below wifi.:P
    I see. Do you want me to help you with it? PMs are a bit easier for this kind of thing, so can we take it to that?
    i currently have a dream world nidoran (female), magikarp, wooper, carvanha, slowbro's pre evo with 3x 31 (lol i forgot the name xD) and the drought vulpix in my thread is also female. probably some more, but i can't think of them atm ahaha xD oh, and i have met a female tangela in the dw, i need to transfer it though...
    Yes i was going for Shedinja and Bagon too...i have another thing in my mind and i ll see ho wit goes and i ll let you know..i have to be a little lucky though :)
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