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  • Yeah man I was not feeling good after that first round lol. Team Alaka so strong. Congrats on 6th! I really hope our group can go to nats. Team Baylor was awesome too, I hope your friend likes his Nidoking! It was great to meet you guys.
    Sorry, but we don't have access to each other's mons yet. We were planning on doing this in the future if possible.
    We're going up to St. Louis, maybe Houston but I don't know for sure, it's farther than Dallas/St. Louis and I'm already having to pay for St. Louis (actually Brandon is splitting it with me), so we may skip that and go on to nats. I really want to go to Houston, though, if only to get a feel for the metagame, try and get byes, and meet people, since more Smogonites will be there.
    Hey! How's it been going? You gonna hit up a regional this November? I saw you were worried about the timeframe in SQSA.
    lol no worries, I was only wondering. A theme eh? Well I can't really think of anything good but I'm sure whatever you come up with will make for an interesting read. And don't worry, no one's gonna focus much on the whole losing thing. (Well, except me. I might laugh a little)
    Yea no kidding. I wouldn't be so tempted if I stopped reading those warstories and updates. Speaking of, where's yours? I could use a bit of humor (I kid I kid)
    Yea I wish :/ Any other year I would have gone but I had to quit my job when summer started this year, so it doesn't look like I'll make it. I'm sorta still working on it though lol. What about you?
    That would be awesome! I'll definitely take you up on that offer sometime. I barely even know the basics of how to rng, so I need to get around to learning that myself. Help would be much appreciated :)
    haha well I hope so. I'll get started on my team a lot sooner next time, so I guess we'll see. Thanks for the vote of confidence though. Now that you know what to expect, you'll dominate next year. I'll be rooting for ya
    eh, neither for me, sadly :/ I lost before even making it to the finalists lounge in Dallas. I felt bad but I was extremely lazy with getting my team ready for this year so I kinda had it coming lol
    You don't know me since I'm not very active here, but I've battled you a couple of different times in PO. I kinda lost both times but I liked your strategies haha. Anyway, sorry to hear about how nats turned out for you, but for what it's worth, I was rooting for you to win it :D
    Yeah, I need to somehow get my hands on a certain poke for my team or make edits, if i can't get it soon, i will let you know when i can play.
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