Princess Emily
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  • Yeah, that's what I'm think as well :( And, also, Idk if I'll have time for trades even though I have no school, since I'm so busy. So I've decided that I'm not going to open a trade thread anymore, instead I'll just RNG for myself. If you're going solo, good luck :)

    But if you need anything from me, just ask! And if you just feel like talking, VM me or something :P
    Its all right. I have Adamant, Jolly, and Timid. if you can make one with HP ground
    lol I remember that trade now. I actually still use both of those pokes regularly in my 4th gen games. Can't wait to bring them over to 5th gen.

    Yeah I left serebii ever since I got an r4 since they were claiming stuff like pkm files are hacks, etc. Dunno if they still do but probably don't plan to trade back there anytime soon
    maybe, maybe not. I haven't been in the whole trading business for the last couple of years. I don't trade wifi anymore since I just don't have the time to wait unfortunately and I haven't finished my US versions of black/white. I only trade files now.
    non C-Gear RNG is easy, but manipulating the natures and PID is a pain in the royal butt when trying to breed something.

    Honestly I find it tons easier to just breed something in 4th gen and transfer it over than try to breed it in 5th gen.
    Yep, it's fine, I can make you banners :) And, it's ok, they'll be free! You probably RNGd everything that I RNGd, so :P Can you PM me with what you want on your banners? Like, what pokemon, the design, etc.?

    Hmm... June 14th is pretty close. I guess we'll just open our thread before then and if you're to busy with school, Idk what happens then :(

    We don't need a back up xD Once we post the thread it won't be deleted.

    I'll try! :D
    Yep, I'm back :) It was very fun!

    So, I have to make the rest of the banners and then we can open. Do you want me to make banners for you? If so, then PM me with what you want on the banners :D
    I wish I could RNG my Vappy, but I just found out I can't :( Turns out, I played that one game before I got my Game ID for PGL. So that means, I would've had to play the game again after I got my Game ID, but I didn't, and since we can't play the game anymore, I get no Eeveelution :(

    But it's ok. It's not like I was gonna get a useful nature xD
    I see. Though I think I missed on some coverage by using that hidden power type, it's possible that I can surprise unsuspecting users, which in random wi-fi is very important.

    BTW, did you really use your wristwatch as the timer? That's amazing, I wouldn't dare to try to do that.
    Good job! I'm going to do my Vappy soon. I hope I can get a good nature :o
    I got some HP electric legendaries and thought I was alone with those. Though, to be fair, I think you're hiding that what you actually hate is Gyarados (I hate it as well).

    Hi5 for the originality!
    Ooh grats! <3 Glad I could help.
    I'm not confused about your own formula, don't worry. xD Your 5.4 seconds is about the same thing as 296 in HL Calibration - the 296 is indeed just an extra delay added that takes into consideration the time passed between the pressing of the A button and the loading of the Entralink. It's also what EonTimer is programmed to automatically adjust for. Most people probably aren't as willing to experiment and try things out like you do xD It's good that you found your own way to time things without relying too much on a computer * 0*
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