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  • Do you mind if we talk about it on vms instead of using my thread as a chat room please? (add me to your friend list)
    Grats on the Terrakion! I finally got my Giratina last night as well, after a couple hours of missing my delays by 2, consistently. Quite happy with that one; it ain't perfect, but it'll do.

    Good luck on the Virizion. I think you'll find a frame 1 seed will be much, much easier to catch. Just takes longer to search for is all.
    Sure, where would like to talk at? Although take note I'm pretty new at this too, but I have at least been able to RNG a couple shiny + flawless mons so I have a bit of an idea what's going on.
    How the hell could I forget you Bruno? Seriously, nats is going to be awesome. When you got the bye, I actually thought you were going to do a victory dance.
    sorry dont have 5th gen pokemon
    i messaged a admin still no reply on what happened with my thread
    i dont know where it went did a admin delete my thread i cant even see it under threads i have created
    i quit pokemon ahh i dont know how im get my thread back wonder why it was deleted for
    I'll try for it. I do have work, but like I said, I get off before the time you gave me. So we'll plan on doing it then.
    Sorry it took me so long to respond, I was busy with finals and moving. How good is Thursday, May 12, for you? Any day should actually be fine, though. I do have work, but I get off before the hours you said were good for you.
    Sup, I'm your match for round 2 of the VGC tourney. My timezone is EST. What's yours/days that are good for you to battle?
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