dot Comfey
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  • Hi small q: was defog purposedly left out as an hm option for gen 4 in your recent bug fix?
    dot Comfey
    dot Comfey
    Defog is an HM in Gen 4, but only in the Sinnoh games; a Pokemon with Defog can be transferred to the Johto games where it is not an HM and be sent to Gen 5.
    Ah that's a cool fun fact, thanks!
    Hi, we are paired for randbats gb classic, when do you want to play? I'm gmt +2, every day should be fine from 15 to 18 and from 21 to 23:59. I'm a bit busy but if we schedule it shouldn't be a problem.
    dot Comfey
    dot Comfey
    I'm GMT-7 so it seems best for us to play on a weekend. Can we try Saturday, 17:00 your time?
    Alright, see you then
    hey we playing for gen6randbats im gmt -6 can't play most weekdays but can play most weekends, do you have specfic times you would like to play?
    are you able to play right now?
    dot Comfey
    dot Comfey
    Oops, sorry I missed this. I guess we'll be playing at some point around 2 pm then?
    Yeah I’m almost home rn, around 10 minutes. Can you play around then?
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