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  • When play summer seasonal draft lol, I'm +10
    lol I was removed from the tour for the cardinal sin of putting down a different timezone, you have a bye this week. admins just slow in the head and keep putting my name down for matchups
    lmao k, soz
    hi, oras draft when can you play? im gmt-5
    im free thursday after 3pm and friday/sat/sun after 10am
    6pm works
    ill be ready whenever, send to kurse on smogtours
    i have no time to play this weekend and its been 30 minutes. i have dinner at 7:30. ill give you until 7 before i have to claim act win
    draft I'm +0 can't play weekend but pretty free during the week let me know when you can play
    I’m awake now and able to play, plz message when ur online
    Trogba Trogba
    Trogba Trogba
    I have no time this week anymore because my family are visiting me. You told me 16 hours from the time, you weren't there so I called activity.
    was there 5 minutes after you claimed and you were still online and could have played me but I get it you want your free win without risk
    Hey man, since you didnt check in on discord the 3 times that I asked, I'll reach out via here, when can you play for ORAS draft cup, im GMT+1, free every evening barring wednesday, thursday and next week friday.
    Hey bud, since you appear to have completely missed my ping from the very first day that laid out which times I would be available over the next few weeks, I’ll lay it out for you again for a third time so you can remember, Mon-Fri after 6pm gmt-6 and Saturday Sunday afternoon. Lmk what works best
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