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  • yoyoyo we're matched for ptpl, gmt -4, prefer weekends but lmk what works
    we scheduled on disc but for transparency sake will leave the time here too, saturday 11 am gmt -4/5 pm gmt +2
    Ru. I’m -7. Can play tomorrow. Let me know.
    could you play like an hour earlier than that? if not I guess i could make exactly 9 pm +2 work but would really prefer earlier
    8pm +2 is fine for me
    on tours
    Hey we're in the same battle pool for Ubers, been trying to reach you on Discord for a while with no response. We need to schedule to play, would like to hear your TZ and availability soon (Im GMT+5 and open pretty much any time from now to the deadline as long as i have time to prep)
    Hi, sorry for late scheduling I had a busy week. We are opponents for winter draft. I'm GMT-5 and free from 3-11pm Friday, all day Saturday, and 1:30 - 3:30 pm Sunday. Does anywhere in there work for you?
    hi, since you haven't been answering in draft cord for a week I'll contact here: please give your availability for natdex ubers
    we play for nu tour, +1 mostly free in my evenings and more flexible tomorrow
    Hey, Sorry for the late message. I was wondering if you can play in the afternoon from your time. Since you're 7 hours behind me (I'm SGT), I wonder if you can play before 4pm France time.
    im ur matchup in the ru winter seasonal when r u free (im gmt 0)
    Hey, Im gmt+1 and free on weekend if you want, I have many games to play in early week so I would prefer to play with you later
    Gamma 1 and 2
    Gamma 1 and 2
    sure that's fine is Saturday good with u
    Gamma 1 and 2
    Gamma 1 and 2
    u free today?
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