Dead by Daylight
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  • Hey ! We are paired for the RU cup, i'm gmt +1 when do you want to go ? I'm available mostly all my afternoons and don't want to play to late because i'm working on night shifts. Let me know! Cheers bro !
    We're paired for BH Seasonal, I'm -4 and free pretty much every day after noon
    Dead by Daylight
    Dead by Daylight
    Hey. I'm also GMT-4 and free after noon, so this should work out. We could play today at around 12:30-1 PM.
    in the hills
    in the hills
    yeah sounds good! i can hop on now
    Dead by Daylight
    Dead by Daylight
    I'll be on Showdown! as looking 4 horizons.
    RBY Ubers Open
    I'm GMT+1 / UK Time; generally, I am most available at 7 PM.
    Got a busy week. Today, Tuesday, Friday, and next Monday, I'm gonna be booked up dealing with life stuff.

    Also, I like to record my games for my YouTube channel. You ok with that?
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