Jolly Togekiss
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  • Monotype winter ssnl, -5. What days of the week work for you? I can play after 6pm weekdays my time, and whenever weekends!
    yo monotype seasonal, im gmt+1, generally can give you anytime between 6-11pm my time and on weekends I can do up to like 2-3am my time, lemme know when works best for you
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    im gmt-6. Want to play on Saturday? Let's play at noon my time, which is 19:00 your time.
    Emre Mor 9
    Emre Mor 9
    That works see you then
    Hey, I'm gonna be +8 this week for monothreat so 14 hours ahead. Down to play my early mornings, around 6 - 10 PM your time. Can go your Friday Saturday and Sunday. Just let me know which day you prefer and if you have a specific time in mind, if any of those work.
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    Saturday at 7 my time works great. I'm gmt -6, does that work for you?
    Yep 7 PM your time is perfect. Let me know if anything changes and I'll do the same!
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    on stour as Jolly Togekiss
    yo mono
    im prob gonna be gone entire thursday + friday since ill be on stuck on a plane for all of thursday night into friday day time -5.
    i can play either or wednesday -5 2pm onwards until late night or weekend +9 night time with prior notice.
    When you wanna play for mono?
    Free around 6-8pm+1 any day but tuesday/saturday.
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    I'm gmt -6. Due to the time difference I will be at work during weekdays, but I can play at 7pm your time on Sunday. Does that work for you?
    mind gaming
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    U on? I'm on stours as Jolly Togekiss
    Mono seasonal, gmt +1 i can play most likely in my evenings and i m more flexible in the weekend
    so 18:00 it's way too late for me, i could play today at your 18:00 otherwise if you can play a bit earlier like at 16:30 or 17:00 it might be better
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    yeah, sure we can play earlier. 16:30 is fine with me
    Oke see u then
    Hey ... we paired for Mono Kickoff tour ... lmk when can play ... am GMT+5.5 :) and prefers this weekend and next friday only (due to exams)
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    oh i forgot u specified a time...
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    regardless id prefer if we played for the tour. hmu if you wanna play
    if u r down to play in 30 mins ... i can or else it will be difficult coz i have exams on sat and sun (exams will start in 2.30 hrs and tomorrow full day) :psycry:
    when play for mono seeded? I am gmt+10
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    oh, I forgot about this. Wanna play tomorrow or smth?
    Kaguya Lys
    Kaguya Lys
    I can't play on my Monday, we will probs have to get an extension to make this happen
    hey mono seeded tour lmk whens best, -7 free in my afternoons/nights pref night
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    wanna play tomorrow sometime? I'm -5
    yeah sure, my sleep schedule is fucked so could we play like 5pm -7 onwards? any time after that im good
    Jolly Togekiss
    Hi, oras pl monotype, am gmt+2, prefer my afternoons
    Jolly Togekiss
    Jolly Togekiss
    I'd prefer tomorrow lol, but thanks for being cool about scheduling.
    no worries, have enough time rn LOL
    it could be that i come a bit later than 7pm cause my family usually eats supper at 6-7pm
    Am on as eu la supremacy
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