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  • Hey, my backup people that I was gonna ask to take over the Ladder Challenge aren't gonna be able to do it, do you know anybody that could?
    What's up Hogg, when do you want play for GSC UU Tour? I'm GMT -3, and I'm available 14:30-17:00 or 18:00-19:30 (Tuesday | Thursday), and 14:30-23:00 (Friday | Saturday)
    I think that should work, see you Saturday.
    Century Express
    Century Express
    alright i'm ready, i'll be waiting on smogtours as Century Express
    Hey, I'm so sorry, things ran late today and I'm just at a computer now. Can still play tonight if you're still on, but if not take the win.
    Hey we play for lc open. I can play 6:45 am and 6 pm most weekdays. Weekends at around 9 am. GMT-5
    Ugh, that will be tough this week because I’m out of town Fri-Sun. Any chance you can do earlier on weeekdays? I’n GMT-4 and leave for work at 7:30 AM my time (6:30 AM) yours, could play closer to 7 AM my time/6 AM yours. I can also play later at night tonight/Weds/Thursday (say around 10 PM my time).

    If not we may need to ask for an extension.
    I won't be able to do 6 am most likely, there may be times I can play around 9:30 or 10 pm my time. If I need to still be up at 11 for some reason I'll let you know.
    I know it's last minute but I do have a few to play now if you want to try to get a game in.
    [UU Open R4]

    I'm GMT +2, pic a reasonable time and I'm pretty sure I can make it.

    See ya
    OK, let’s shoot for 7 AM my time/1 PM your time on Thursday.
    Dont bother messaging me earlier if U see me online. I'll be on as ChrisSmogon.
    Hopping on now. Main or stours?
    Hey Hogg, hope you remember me from the olden PO days. I miss playing good games with you.

    Hey we got paired for Ubers Open Round 1. I'm mostly free on weekends (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). I'm GMT (-7)
    Hey man we’re paired for LC, might need a day or two to get some teams but when I do I’m available 6-10pm weekdays, 10am-noon and 8-11pm Saturday and free all day Sunday GMT+1
    Holy señor, UU Open when? I'm p much free whenever but I'd prefer if I had a few days to mentally prepare lmao. I'm GMT -7
    GMT -4, and sure. Maybe this weekend? Mornings/daytime my time tend to be best for me, although with your timezone I understand that might be difficult.
    Dw I have insomnia and literally don't sleep, I'll just hit u up if I see u online over the weekend.
    Ay can you edit your r1 post to indicate the seeding for 1st and 4th seeds for clarity? I figured out what I wanted to ask in thread but figured it may help the next person since the points aren't in there. I assume it's 1 Brazil 2 France and 4/5 Canada/EU and 6 OCN right?
    I scheduled vs toxzn for today 1 pm pst but he said he might not make it, just letting u know i have talked to my dudes
    Hi. we play for nupl. Gmt -4 and am most active late nights. When are you free and when do you wanna play?
    I'm going to be leaving around 4 PM on Sunday, but can play any time before that. Hope your friend is OK.
    Let's play at 2 pm today btw. She's ok thankfully
    Sounds good, see you then.
    hey i need your help badly. I love UU and I tried posting an article. Comments got lockde on it as i put it under the wrong thing because ive never been on smogon before. I reposted but I fear it getting locked again. Is there some way to be verified to post, is that something need to do. If so how would i get verified? I really need your help and it says your online so
    RMT - SM Other Teams is the right place. Posts in the UU forums need prior approval. Make sure you have at least three lines of description for every Pokémon in the RMT.
    how do i get approval to post. or do i not need aproval to post in SM Other teams? is started a conversation with you because i didn't see this pop until you responded
    Hello, we play for NUPL W1, I'm GMT -4 and am best weekdays in the general area of 4-10pm, though there are a few hours depending on the day where i probably can't play.
    can we settle on tuesday for now but by chance (probably unlikely that anything comes up) if something comes up we can shift to wednesday? this week is a bit wonky for me schedule wise despite me being at a military school and my times are usually very regulated
    Sure let’s go for Tuesday
    OK, I'm around. Hit me up on Discord if you're still up to play tonight.
    Hey, good afternoon!

    I've created a new account name Relentless_Chaos because i had forgot this one...
    But i've found this account password on my Google Drive, what can i do about all tournaments i'm playing on my "new" account? I wish i could use this one again.
    Hey I have a question regarding Tournament Ban reviews. "These reviews will be automatically calendared to occur halfway through the ban's term. The TD team will review the initial ban, as well as all subsequent conduct and activity (both within the tours community and on Smogon as a whole)." The main part of this statement that I'm worried about is conduct and activity within the tours community, when Tbanned users
    No, not allowing tourbanned users to play in UUPL.
    Re: your other question, most of the questions of good conduct will mostly be focused on your general conduct within Smogon as a whole, though obviously if you continue to act poorly in the tour community despite being removed from it (such as evading in order to speak in discord/stours lobby), that will not reflect well. Basically don't fuck up or try to evade and try to be a helpful presence in all other areas.
    oh okay thanks so much!
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