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  • Hey, Doug! Could you pop into the CAP Discord server for a second to (double-)check name submissions?
    Really happy to see you finally break into the leaderboards, honored to be in the presence (figuratively) of one of the truly Old Hunters (someone who was part of the Gen IV Frontier thread, I think?). Thank you for making such a thorough, fascinating contribution to the Tree thread!
    Thanks Smuckem! As you could see in the post, I've been lurking the thread for years, liking posts occasionally, and playing in the various battle challenge facilities like a madman. It has been a constant obsession of mine. I'm glad I finally posted something in the community. It was a labor of love!
    Hey, Doug! Could you come to CAP Discord server some time this morning? We'd like to discuss and check something about the CAP process with you.
    Not entering CAP since I don't have my tablet, but i had a similar idea.
    Just wanted to add that it could be interesting to add a Van Gogh (painter) reference to it.
    His most famous paintings are the sunflowers and starry night.

    Just wanted to put the idea out there, just see if you want to do something with it.

    Good luck,

    Damn. Doug you're still around. I wonder who else is left from the CaP old guard. Doubt you remember me tho :V
    Hey man! Ive been following CAP since Syclant days. Its insane that I left the forum for years, changed my username, and here I am playing USUM OU again and loving where the forums are at. Kudos for keeping the CAP experiment flourishing!
    HI Doug, I'm glad you're still around!
    Thanks! I’m glad you are too! Not many Smogon oldtimers are left these days
    Is Pokemon showdown able to run on safari I have the latest update and it always just simply says I am offline.
    I was wondering if it just isn't able to run or if my iPad was being really stupid
    Hey Doug, are you planning on submitting something for Voodoll's art? :)
    That's a yes. :D

    Will you make something for Voodoll's sprites?
    can we get the image for kerfluffle on the main page to not be broken? And looking at the dex page for the mon itself it looks like sparktrain is hosting something offsite rn. I have site staff and have tried to see if I can do anything but iirc the cap subsite is under basically its own separate control under you.
    Thanks for the heads up. I didn't even know Sparktrain put that page up. He should have checked with me before doing that. All structural changes to the CAP site should go through me. Normal SCMS content changes to CAP pages are fine for Site Staff to cache. But changes to the CAP scripts, CSS, or images need to be uploaded by me. It's the way the CAP subsite is structured, and there's no getting around it, without big coding changes that would need to be made by both me and Chaos. And yeah, we should not put any offsite links on the CAP subsite - ever.
    Thanks for clarifications
    So i see that you are the leader of CAP. I was wondering how I could get involved. I have a lot of ideas for Pokemon that could be created, and I would love to be involved. Any info would be great. Thanks!
    Create-A-Pokemon is a community based project. We start with a basic idea for a Pokemon, called a "Concept" and then build the pokemon in steps from there. We discuss and vote on each step as we go.

    If you want to read more about the process, how to get involved, or CAP in general, try out our Newcomers Guide which can be found here:
    DOUG! Help I haven't been here in years and everything is scary now.
    Good to see you back in the old stomping grounds! Yes, Smogon is a much bigger place than it used to be, but at the core of it, same old same old... With the new Sun and Moon games out, CAP is in a bit of a holding pattern, but we'll be ramping up a new project after things settle down. Would love to see you participate when that happens!
    Good to hear the core is still the same. I'd love to say that my artistic endeavors have evolved leaps and bounds, but everything pretty much stopped when I had my son, still I would love to drop in on CaP again when it resumes once again. Sun and Moon currently have a hold on me too lol.
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