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  • kk lol. pm me anytime u wanna uu battle (and i checked my poke stash, i have sum NU pokes if u wanna try them out)
    thats was a long battle lol, i shoulda kept up with the game. and i made a lot of mistakes >_< thanx for the "welcome back to pokemon" ass whippin lol
    I do not know for sure if i will be able to battle but i should. In any case, we have more time to battle. We're both on a lot.
    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I might as well give you the win lol. I should be able to battle tomorrow at about this time.
    yea i kno. my bad i saw them at the last minute according to this site. but i consider anything nu to be uu sorry bout that
    Props to you on your BL post, only a truly nice guy would do all that work for something he wasn't even involved in.
    Haha, thanks for the trade :) I'll have a look tomorrow to see if there's something I want for the credit.
    Yeah, the last time we traded I asked for Qwilfish, but you hadn't palparked it yet. So I told you I would just wait until you had it to pick it up.
    Ok well you seem to have left, but I'll be waiting on wifi for a little while then going to sleep. Hopefully you get on before then, I've got the egg and a random for groudon and qwilfish from the last trade. That leaves 1 credit (from the tyrogue egg) correct?
    Haha sure, I've got to get up from the computer but I'll get on wifi. I just need the Tyrogue (steadfast ability? I have both) egg and a random right?
    thanks for the cloning and the pokes dude :D all I have to do is get another 2 pokes since I forgot to put 6 in the party -_- *slaps self*
    Are you referring to the tyrogue? Yeah you can pick that up whenever you want. I've got some trained versions of it (shiny) if you'd want those. I think you wanted it un-shiny though, so I can just trade you the egg if that's the case. I'd really like your Impish Groudon. Also, did you happen to get the Qwilfish parked yet?
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