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  • Well, I nothing official yet :P You were interested in a lot of my pokes but I was waiting for your Update. If you don't have time to update now, you can head on aim and we can discuss there.
    Lol, it's okay :) I'm going to school and work as well so I know what it's like. But yeah, I will be on tomorrow, probably most of the day since i'm free, so if you see me on, just send me a pm :)
    Sorry, you cannot have rights to Kyogre, but I will gladly trade with you, providing you can clone a copy back.
    eh, it's one that i was training as a mixmence before i started using my dragonite. i forget what his IV's are (good but not great i think), but if it's anything you can use then be my guest. I bred a few more bagons from it so if i decide to go back to mence I'm covered. but yeah man, if you've got a use for it then go ahead. it's yours.
    ok, i'm boned. i can't get a wi-fi signal here at work. are you going to be online later tonight? around 8:30 or so? i feel like a boner letting you down like this.
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