Lady Bug
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  • we must play for wcop!!!! when shall we fight? I'm GMT+0 and am free pretty much any time this week
    lets play sunday as i will not be able to play tomorrow :]
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    Alright, see you on Sunday
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    We didn't agree on a specific time, so I was wondering when you wanna do it today? should be sometime around now
    hey boss we're paired for wcop, i'm gmt -5 and tend to be free most of the day. i don't have any particular time i would like to play atm, but i'll probably figure it out in the next week or so if that's OK with you. what's your availability like / when would you prefer to play?
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    My timezone is GMT+4. I'm ready to play you so just let me know when you can play. Anytime works for me really since I'm on a summer break now.
    hello am a big fan n_n when would you like to fight for spl? im gmt-8 and any reasonable time on the weekends are good for me. if you have another time in mind, do tell so we can make the proper arrangements.
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    just to avoid any confusion, the time would be around saturday 11 AM for me while it's friday 11 PM for you right? that's the best time for me, sorry if I made things unclear.
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    it would be saturday 11 PM for me, im 12 hours ahead and yeah nothings changed
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    i'm online atm
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    nigga you won't be laughing after I destroy this week
    Hi! We are paired in RoAPL. I am gmt+2.
    When do you want to play? I'm usually online the afternoon, often the evening as well. You can find me on irc (#frontier or #benelux) and PS (french time or smogtours)
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    does today at 6 PM my time sound good to you? (gmt+4) if you can't today since that's only like 3 hours away, then tomorrow 6 PM or earlier if you'd like
    Any chance we play now? Otherwise I'd rather tomorrow yes
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    sorry I was away, but tomorrow is probably better
    Hey LB
    I am one of your opponents for the R1 of the wcop.
    My timezone is GMT +2.
    These are the best times for me to play: Im online usually in my mornings 10-13 am and then in the night
    Let me know if any of these work for you.
    at 13:30 my time works for you? is prob my best time to do this
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    yeah sounds good
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    well it seems you couldn't make it and want to play at 10 PM your time. that's fine, but there's a possibility that i might not be here, so i'm not sure if we'll play or not. i could also be here though
    Terrakion, I pulled an all nighter I'm not sure when i'll show up, just an update :). I'll try to get sleep asap tho
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    alright I'll be on when you wake up
    when do u wanna play for week 5 ;o
    im in gmt -6
    can play after 4 PM my time on weekdays and whenever on weekend
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    mine is gmt+4. sometime after 4 pm for you sounds good. i'll have my team ready in the next few days and i'll let you know as soon as i make it
    I'm a little busy with exams right now, which end on January 31. Is it okay if we play after that? If not I can probably squeeze it in somewhere. My timezone is GMT +1
    Axel Rouche
    I may be 10-15 minutes later.
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    alright, i'm gonna be online so let me know as soon as you can play
    Axel Rouche
    I'm online now. I'm in Lobby, I don't know if there is any other chatroom for these kinda tours :p
    Kaif el 7al frend. Long time no speak, really good to see your still playing :'). One of da best.
    Lady Bug
    Lady Bug
    doing good nigga, how about you? still playing?
    yeah just got back.
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