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  • Hello, we're paired to play Ubers for PSPL, im GMT-5 (EST) and I can pretty much play anytime this week from 4pm to 10pm.
    Cool, I'm PST and I'll probably be on around then tomorrow.
    Yo we're matched for the roomauth tour, weekends are probably best for me cos my uni schedule is kinda all over the place the next couple of days. Saturday evening or anytime Sunday works. I'm GMT.

    Also DMT DMT DMT.
    DMT to you as well. Sunday will probably be the best bet for me, depending on how early you're able to be on. I'm PST, so ye. Just hit me up whenever if you see me online.
    legend says if you look in a mirror and say baton pass three times, iplaytennislol will appear and spread his cancer to you. repost this on 10 other profiles to spread the word
    ▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ U HAVE BEEN SPOOKED BY THE
    ░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKILENTON
    ░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░▐▌SEND THIS TO 7 OTHER PEOPLE OR BE EATED
    When can you play for superstars? I'm GMT-7 and can play in the afternoon every day this week except for wednesday
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