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Astral Spirit
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  • What is up, I'm looking to expand my friend safari, and you have quite the awesome selection in yours, is there a chance that you could add me?
    My Friend code is 0834 1072 5094, I got a lack luster Normal type safari with Dunsparce, Chansey, and I believe Kecleon.
    hey so im not quite sure how this works, could i get you added on my friend's game so he/i/we can find magmar (we're looking for it)

    apparently his fc is 4141-3289-3527

    im not sure how this works and this is the first time i've done it
    Hey there, any chance you could add me so i could visit your friend safari? 1263 7106 8712
    Mine has Abra, Espurr and Girafarig. Thanks
    Hey, I'm a little short on Braixen safari's, and by short, I mean 0. Your safari looks great for searching for a shiny fire starter, could you add me? [3DS FC: 2750-1635-4962] [IGN: Zak]
    [Grass: Pansage, Ivysaur, Quilladin]
    Hello there! You friend safari is just too pro to pass up. Could you add me? 0834-1636-4168
    Also, if you ever get your hands on another shiny Froakie, or are willing to trade the one you have, could you possibly consider trading me? I'll trade you any X legendary (Xerneas, Charizard with X Mega Stone, Mewtwo with X Mega stone, Moltres, Zapdos) AND any pokemon I might have with it's Mega Stone.
    Astral Spirit
    Astral Spirit
    My shiny Froakie is not for sale, sorry. I may get another one, but that wouldn't be for quite a while, I'm not breeding them atm.
    I will add you for the safari though.
    No need for the Froakie. I managed to hatch one. And yay. Thanks a bunch.
    Hey Astral Spirit! Added you! Could you add me back?
    FC 1719-3234-6158 - Fighting - Hariyama, Mienfoo and Sawk
    thankz =]
    Hello! I'm positive you're asked this often haha, but could we exchange friend codes? I have a Flying Safari (although I don't know what Pokemon are in there at the moment). My code is 4184-2627-3621 if you're interested c:.
    Hey there! Just another pokefan wondering if we could add eachother? Charmeleon is just a steal in the friend safari. I have a flying type with hoothoot spearow and hawlucha if youre interested :D my Fc: is 1564 3321 5295
    Hello there! I'm sure you must get this a lot, but, could we add each other out? Saw you have wild Charmeleon AND Braizen, which is lovely. My safari has Quilladin, Tangela, and Swadloon, if you're willing. :3 Thank you for your time!
    Astral Spirit
    Astral Spirit
    Haha, I've been getting it a lot more often than I expected! XD
    Added! :)
    Added back, then. Thank you so much!<3
    Hi, Would be ok for me to add you on the friend safari? My friend code is 2836-1374-4642 let me know if this is ok with you. Btw my safari type is fighting but the only pokemon i know thats in there is tyrogue.
    Astral Spirit
    Astral Spirit
    Also, for future reference, I just got Machoke and Sawk out of your friend safari, so I guess those are your other two.
    (That also means Mold Breaker Sawk for me!) :D
    Awesome thanks for telling me :)
    Astral Spirit
    Astral Spirit
    No problem! ^.^
    Hi there, I wanted to add you on the friend safari. MY 2 fc's are on the spreadsheet in the Friend safari thread. Let me know if this is ok or not.
    Cheers :)
    Astral Spirit
    Astral Spirit
    Would you rather have me add like 1 of them or both? Whatever works best for you! :)
    Both would be nice, thank you so much :)
    Astral Spirit
    Astral Spirit
    You're welcome! :) Added!
    Well, even if only for 1 battle, I've managed to reach the UU top 100. Looks like I can finally consider myself pretty good at UU.
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