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  • Yo we're opps for the lc open? what day is good for you?
    I just came here, let me do some things and we can do it. where are you?
    EPL Champs
    EPL Champs
    my internet just shit out, storming over here. I'm ready now and will be on po and ps for the rest of the day. Both on as epl champs
    EPL Champs
    EPL Champs
    is there any alt you go by? i don't see you...
    Hi, Malekith, we're matched for NU Open! What is your time zone (assuming you're from Spain, GMT +2)? My timezone is EDT (GMT -4; currently 12:18 AM). May we possibly play on Friday at 1 PM my time (7 PM for you i think)?

    Let me know if this works!
    i'm usually tired / busy all day. Perhaps we can play on Thursday at 3 PM my time (9 PM for you iirc)
    I think it works!
    alright we'll try Thursday then
    yo this is probably going to be pretty annoying to schdule lol, +10 GMT and its usually easiest for me to play between 9am-2pm most days, you can find me on irc in #rarelyused
    What about Saturday? Its the day of the deadline but with our timezones this is gonna be impossible during week days. Saturday at my afternoon your night? Like 16/17 for me, 0/1 for you.
    New Breed
    New Breed
    I don't get off work till like 1am so I guess I could do around 1:30-2am my time, you can find me on irc #rarelyused
    Hey there, we're paired for r3 of ubers open. I'm gmt-7 and can play from 10 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to 8 pm, im also usually free all day friday and saturday. let's try and set a time to meet if thats ok
    Saturday? I'll be here at my afternoon ( Like 7:30 PM ) GMT +2.
    Yeah that should be okay
    You're only an hour ahead of me so it should be easy to get done. I'm just going now and I'm at football tomorrow. Wednesday's my dad's birthday. So how about Thursday at about 8pm my time/9pm yours?
    yes but please stop being a fucking dipshit. just because we may not have any channels in common doesnt mean im not on, and before making garbage activity acusations you should have at least taken 2 minutes to see whether or not i was actually on

    saturday from 12-5 my time should work, 6-11 for you
    I did and you weren't ( in forums ). That time works for me, but I'm leaving at 22:00, so 6-22.
    oh btw, Could you try to be here as soon as posible? I mean, like 12:00/13:00/14:00 for you. Thats because I scheduled with my NU opp for my 21:00/22:00 ^^U. ( I can battle against you both but I'd rather to play against both of you with a break in the middle of the matchs.
    sure, I'll be there by 14:00 at the latest
    Hi. I just noticed that I signed up for the NU Open. My timezone is GMT+2. I see that you want to play at the weekend, so what time would be good for you?
    I am probably working at Saturday, but evening from 21:00 should be good. Sunday afternoon may also be a possibility.
    Okk! I come at home at 18:00. I'll be here till 22:30.
    Looks like I have to work until at least 22:00 tomorrow. Sucks, but I doubt I'll make it back in time. I have no clue about your activity, but I have not been active at all on the forums and IRC lately. You can have the win as it would be unreasonable of me to want to reschedule at the last possible day.
    Did you and dragonuser set a time at all, did you ever meet to talk on IRC?
    I only saw him during smogon tour and we both were playing it, I haven't seen him appart from that :/
    Idk if I can play this weekend, if I can it'll be 6-10 PM your time Sunday

    I'm GMT-4
    stop flooding and lying and lets schedule a time, this weekend I'm free, saturday? I'm GMT +2 so my afternoon should work.
    Looks like we're paired up for the UU Open. Timezone is GMT+1, I'm available all day today, after 11pm tomorrow, all day Monday, after 11pm Tuesday, all day Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and after 11pm Saturday and Sunday.
    Sup Male, we're paired for the RU Open, since we have same timezone we shouldn't have much issues to get it done! When do you want to play?
    Yea, What about Wednesday / Thursday afternoon/night?
    Do you have skype ?
    Ye I have skype (add cicadaaaa), wednesday/thursday should work for me before 10pm
    Hey we gotta play for UU Open r3. I'm GMT +12, and am on IRC whenever I have spare time basically. Could you try and come on #pokemon fairly early your time? We can meet there and battle then.
    sup bro, when do you wanna slam it up
    This weekend I'll be p online ( and I scheduled my RU matches too ) so it'd be nice if you can. I'm GMT+2, tell me a time that works for you.
    sorry became unexpectedly busy. i'll be on for the next 10 hours though if you pop on, pm me on irc. if that's no good i'll be on from 7pm your time to whenever tomorrow.
    Tomorrow perfect, I'll be here even before that. (7pm my time)
    Only an hour ahead of me. I can't battle tonight though. I'll be here around the same time as now tomorrow & Thursday though.
    Hey dude is it possible to use another Account of smogon for your tour? Its called 1Man Power Trip.
    Well, to be honest I'm only the host of that tournament, so you will have to ask that to a Tournament Director. sorry
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