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  • Hey, i am very busy for the next few days, but will be free monday, my time is gmt -8, and i would be free in the morning form 9-12, which should be at night from 7:30-12:30 at your time
    okay, i'm generally on IRC a lot as Andrew and i'll be in #benelux so we can get this done
    hey, we've gotta play for the ubers tourney and i'm est (GMT -5), time is now 1:49 AM for me. i'm generally on IRC a lot and sometimes idle on Grotto
    We need to play for Eo's banning tournament. I've got a team and am ready to play. What works for you? I'm flexible and my timezone if GMT-5.
    Hey, when can you play for the RS 200 tournament? My timezone is GMT+2 and I have a pretty flexible schedule so I can play whenever pretty much.
    Sorry, I forgot to declare your opponent's extended match. Your new opponent for the Ubers tournament is [K-12] The Madchine; please schedule a match promptly.
    Je suis désolé je dois aller manger. Ce soir pas certain que je me connecte avant 22h30 par contre demain j'essayerai. Essaye d'être là plus tôt si possible. Vendredi pour moi c'est hardcore je pars en Espagne. Same pour Samedi je serai surement sur la route donc je préfère jouer demain même si j'ai internet là-bas
    Bon je t'attend sur French Time t'as que me contacté là-bas et on jouera sur Showdown ou PO. De préférence Showdown
    I honestly... still haven't made a team. I'll see if I can get one from one of my buds and get back at you in like one hour. If I an't then I'll probably end up dropping out because I literally just haven't had the time.
    Hey la chance nous souris pas puisqu'on a été tirer au sort dès le premier match du GS en Under Used je te propose de faire ça la semaine prochaine. Mardi ou Mercredi me semble cool.
    Saturday would be best for me. You can just message me on IRC that day to play and I'll be ready. I'm GMT -5, btw.
    jajaja yeah welcome to pokemon showdown but the new PO still sucks anyway we are going to wait to play
    darkloic im free wednesday at 9.00pm, we can play in Reborn Server of 2.0.05 po versione cuz i cant download 1.6.
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