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  • I've got a Reuniclus, so I'm not worried about that. Do you have any DW Pokemon?
    Sorry, my friend. That was a PO team. You can enter anything in that you want and battle others with anything that they want. If you don't know what PO is, it's a pokemon battle simulator in which you can put in everything about a pokemon team and more to come up with the perfect team. I recommend that you check it out! Here's the link: http://pokemon-online.eu/

    Just hit 'download' in the upper right-hand corner and put in all the info it asks. It really doesn't ask for much, just your language and country. Happy battling and sorry I couldn't help.
    Welcome to the Pokemon Rangers! Glad to have you. We have lots of fun games and activities, so come and enjoy yourself!

    Hope you enjoy it!
    If you could get me some Pokemon I cannot get in Pokemon Black, that could work, or maybe some DW Pokemon. DW Qwilfish is my main interest. If you can get me a Rufflet, that'd work as well.
    I am not going to trade something I took time on getting for something that's hacked...if I wanted hacks I would do them myself and wouldn't bother with a trade thread.
    Download the .pkm file. Go here: http://pokegts.us/5thGen_Upload.aspx

    Set your DNS to the one displayed on the page. Upload the .pkm file. Make sure you have 6 pokemon in your party. Enter the GTS. If you have done everything correctly, you will receive the pokemon from the .pkm file.
    I apologize for the delayed response... real life has been taking precedence. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm interested in anything you're offering. Several people have similar pokemon to the ones you wanted I believe, so perhaps you could make an offer to one of them?
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