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King Serperior
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  • Okay. Question: when you "kill" one of your monsters in the RPG, do they die or just return to the duel disk?
    You arent 'too' nice, you are just a nice person. We need more nice people in the world.

    Oh, and I posted in BpB, Severus told Domon and Anima to go and fight the big Demon, while he and stays and helps Jakob with the Shadow.
    Without the Surf, Sasori would be totally walled to hell and back by Steel types. ;) Also, it's kinda weird at Poison is completely useless against Steel, when Acids are known to melt some metals. How about we add that Sasori hates Steel types for resisting his Poisons, so he must attempt to kill them?
    Alright, that's fine. Set up the T-spikes to severe poison except against Steel and Poison types. During the battles with Koga and Janine, you do not need to set the T-spikes up, since their Pokèmon are totally immune to the Poison. He must still solo them to prove that he alone is the master of Poison. Have fun! :)
    Zombachu's was of course the funniest. DP's and Comp's were very nice, there were no bad shoutouts. They were all to nice to be bad!!
    I let Krodin into the raft, but just object if you disagree of course.

    Once we land, I'm going to attack you, claiming that your only mistake was to make sure I was trustworthy. Salazar will really be testing Tobias' skill though, so obviously we are still friends in the RPG. Feel free to use your monsters- I won't mind.
    Okay, check and see how you like Sasori the Tentacool. >:P I put an emphasis on Poison, since there are really no good ways to emphasize his skill with puppets. I at least referenced it, and he technically does have to have a puppet. :p
    Awww, Nuzlockes are quite dark to write about, especially when your whole team gets destroyed. :C

    And Poison Fang with a 30% chance of Toxic poison, but the only things that really learns that are Nidoran and Nidorina, both at horribly high levels, and Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat. Also, apparently, Venonat and Venomoth can use it, even though they don't have fangs. o-o Hmmm, perhaps I can still make this work. >:D Venonat and Venomoth actually work, since Poisons and mind games are what they do best. :p
    Hahahahaha, omg, lucky lucky hit, right? :D Since Sheer Cold has 30% accuracy, you got very lucky. >:P I wonder if I could attempt to trade a TM06 over to you, since the Challange I'm making sorta needs Toxic. What good is a Sasori Challange without some bone-melting poison? O_O
    I've got an amazing update coming, and I'm sure everyone will like it. I left the first chapter off with a cliffhanger for a reason, and it'll be quite a shocker when I reveal it. :3 I rolled some amazing Metronome attacks, and I laugh out loud when I think about a Togepi firing off a Blast Burn or one of those massively powerful attacks.~ Also, I think I'll hook you up with a fun Sasori challange! It fuckin' sucks that Toxic is unavailable until the freaking Battle Frontier though. >_< *seethes* From what I remember about Sasori, his puppets' weapons were all laced with an extremely powerful venom, so Toxic would have been amazing to have.
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