Welcome to Battle-by-Post!
The Pokemon Raising and Battling Text Fangame
The Pokemon Raising and Battling Text Fangame
Current Patch: | 2025-Jan-12 |
What is all of this?
The subtitle says it all: This forum is dedicated to our text-based game Battle-by-Post, where you battle other players one post at a time.
Here, you can be the trainer you always wanted to be. Assemble the roster of your dreams, and duke it out against real opponents from across the globe!
This is a game? How is it played?
BBP is a Pokemon fangame that you can play simply by posting on this forum.
Each battle (or series of battles) is a thread on the forum, like this League Circuit battle. Inside, users either battle as players or preside as referees. Players contend with one another or with NPCs to earn prizes to upgrade their team: EXP, currency, items, special Techniques, and more.
Once all players in a battle have ordered to their Pokemon, referees will roll dice, determine damage and effects, and report the results of each turn of battle to the players. They also play the role of NPC trainers and Bosses. Because users often referee for each others' battles, you'll quickly get the chance to try both!
Each round, players post orders for their Pokemon in sequence. This means that later posters can respond to the orders of earlier posters:
- Ordering first, you're playing to survive. You need to prepare answers for the worst things your opponent can do!
- Ordering second, you're playing to win. Try to exploit your opponent's strategy in any way that you can!
The pace of play in BBP is quite slow: Battles often see about a post a day on average. Time limits are measured in days or, sometimes, weeks. The recommended way to play BBP is to check in once a day, to order in or ref for your matches, and then logging off or hanging out with the community.
As is the fashion, we do have a community Discord, where much of our social activity takes place. We don't force players to participate on Discord: You can play BBP purely on the forum, if desired.

Who are those?
This forum game incorporates CAP Pokemon! The CAP community has provided years of lovingly-crafted fanmade Pokemon though their ongoing metagame-exploring community project. Give them a look!
You can learn more about CAPs in the BBP Data Audit (best viewed on PC, or in the associated app) and the EnCAPlopedia.
What about role-playing?
BBP is a strategy game first and foremost, but that doesn't stop our users from allowing their imagination to run wild. Many players dream up rich inner lives or drama for their trainer avatars, and invent backstories for their Pokemon: How they came to the team, their personalities, and their histories.
![]() Of course! BBP may not have dedicated role-play threads outside of battle, but players are still encouraged to—and very often do—come up with fiction involving their trainers and Pokemon. | ![]() Of course not! With few exceptions, you can play BBP purely as a strategy game. Some of our players are more interested in team-building and battling than they are in brewing nicknames and backstories. |
By default, BBP's flavor does certain assumptions about your trainer character. (Or characters!) It often assumes that they're a decorated trainer, able to lead powerful Pokemon of any type or need; and that they're participating in the BBP League, playing in a genericized region, set a few years after the events after any of the source games. The game also assumes that your Pokemon are highly cunning; able to parse and implement complex instructions, and trained well enough to act independently without in-universe instruction. BBP often assumes that participating trainers are strong enough to be a Champion of a regular region's league.
BBP doesn't have any specific enforced canon. Trends in BBP fiction come and go, as users grow excited for certain fashions and then bored of them. So long as you moderate your tone appropriately (we are a teen-safe forum) and follow site-wide rules, you are welcome to invent whatever sort of fanon you wish. As long as your trainer battles by the rules, they could be a generic NPC trainer, a Pokemon, a machine, an extraterrestrial, a time-traveler, or whatever else pleases you.
Unlike its ancestor games (various Anime-Style Battling leagues), BBP lacks dedicated forum space for storytelling with other users. Collaborative storytelling for BBP happens during battles, in players' profiles, or elsewhere.
What's the goal?
Why, that's completely up to you.
BBP is a Smogon-affiliated game, and Smogon is primarily a competitive Pokemon website. Logically, a lot of our players aim to strengthen their team and improve their play, hoping to triumph in high-Level PvP against other players.
Many of our players are content to grow and raise their team. We have players who work to brew new and powerful strategies using overlooked Pokemon or items. We also have players who try to see how much they can achieve in BBP with gimmick teams.
Differing goals aside, all of these different player-types play on the same forum. As users referee for each other, clash with one another, and watch each others' teams grow, they often befriend fellow Pokemon fans in and out of BBP. The real goal of BBP (and the biggest reason we still run the game) is to meet and play with like-minded real people from all over the globe, and share a wonderful hobby with them.

How different is BBP from the source games?
Eager veterans will point you to all kinds of examples—Switching phases, moves with new effects, abilities that we've buffed, and more. A single, simple example might make it clear just what playing BBP is like, though.
Here's a move you're sure to be familiar with if you've even casually played Pokemon: Thunder Wave!
Thunder Wave The user fires a special jolt at the target. The jolt does no damage, but can interfere with the target's nerves. Ground-type Pokemon are unaffected by this move. Inflict Paralysis with two (2) Strain on the defender if the user is Electric-type, or one (1) Strain otherwise. |
At first glance, this move looks like it was imported directly from the source games. It inflicts Paralysis, and it even fails to affect Ground-types, just like in the cartridge games. But, what's this about inflicting Paralysis "with Strain"? Why do Electric-type users inflict more Strain than non-Electric users?
The truth is that BBP is its own entire game. It uses pieces and names that are familiar to fans of the official Pokemon games, but rearranged and remixed. You'll want to approach game pieces as if you're seeing them for the first time, because in many cases, you are!
To whet your appetite, here's a few choice excerpts from real effects in BBP:
- While the user is acting, or being acted upon: This ability also has the effect text of each Weather in play that was created by the user.
- Transfer the user's Confusion status, if any, to the defender.
- When the user is hit by a contact attack from a Paralyzed attacker: Inflict Sleep on the attacker until the end of their next turn.
- When equipping items to the user in a send-out post, you may also equip them with one item from an opponent's backpack. Note those items as the user's "Contraband".
- While it is a round where the user entered play: The user is unaffected by actions with the word "Ball" in their name.
- Opponents are Infatuated with the user.
Sounds fun! How do I join?
Signing up is easy: You get to select three (3) purchasable Pokemon at their earliest stage of evolution. Those are your starters! Details about leveling and purchasing can be found below, as well as a list of Pokemon you're not allowed to purchase.
Don't worry too much about your starters. You'll earn enough currency for another Pokemon after every other battle or so. With some of your favorite Pokemon in mind, follow the steps below to create your BBP Trainer Profile!

Profile Creation
If you're interested in joining BBP, you'll go to the Registration Center forum. There, you'll use the new-thread field to create your own personal Trainer Profile Thread:
In the field, you'll type "Profile: ", followed by your Smogon username. This thread will hold everything you collect—including Pokemon, currency, items, and more—for the entirety of your BBP career!The first post in your Trainer Profile Thread will be about you, as a trainer in the setting of BBP. To populate it, you can copy or approximate the following template:
[b]Pokemon:[/b] Pokemon 1, Pokemon 2, etc.
[b]Trainer Level:[/b] 0
[b]TC:[/b] 0
[b]RC:[/b] 0
[b]JC:[/b] 0
1x:oran berry:Oran Berry
1x:lum berry:Lum Berry
1x:muscle band:Muscle Band
1x:wise glasses:Wise Glasses
1x:wide lens:Wide Lens
1x:life orb:Life Orb
[b]Key Items:[/b]
1x:shadow mail:Harvest Event Voucher
1x:snow mail:Festive Event Voucher
1x:heart mail:Devoted Event Voucher
1x:orange mail:Deviant Event Voucher
1x:star piece:Star Piece
[b]Current Battles:[/b]
[b]Prize Claims[/b]
- Trainer Name: (Optional)
It's not required to invent a Trainer identity for playing in BBP, but the game is more immersive if you do! Some players write descriptions for their Trainer, create sprites, or even formulate multiple cooperating Trainer characters! - Trainer Level:
You start BBP at Trainer Level 0 ("T.Lv0"), and as you train you strongest Pokemon to new Levels, you'll go up in Level too! Raising your Trainer Level lets you battle in harder and more rewarding venues, such as the Legend Gauntlet. - Pokemon Names: (Optional)
This is a list of every Pokemon you own in BBP. You can list them alphabetically, in order of acquisition, or however, as long as they're all listed. - Currencies:
Your three stocks of Counters. You don't start with any, but you'll be flush with them soon enough:- TC: Stands for "Trainer Counters". Represented with
:rare candy
.- This currency is used to meet new regular Pokemon, and to evolve Pokemon.
- RC: Stands for "Retail Counters". Represented with
:amulet coin:
.- This currency is used to buy Items for your Trainer and Pokemon.
- JC: Stands for "Judge Counters". Represented with
.- This currency is used to pay the player who acts as the referee for your battles.
- TC: Stands for "Trainer Counters". Represented with
- Items:
Your trainer's full inventory of items. Eventually, like many trainers do, you might have to sort your items into different lists to keep track of them all! Every trainer starts BBP with the following items:- Regular items: 1x
Oran Berry, 1x
Lum Berry, 1x
Muscle Band, 1x
Wise Glasses, 1x
Wide Lens, 1x
Life Orb
- Key items: 1x
Harvest Event Voucher, 1x
Festive Event Voucher, 1x
Devoted Event Voucher, 1x
Deviant Event Voucher, 1x
Star Piece
- Regular items: 1x
- Current Battles: (Optional)
It is recommended to paste links to each of your ongoing battles in your profile, so you can check one place to see if you're due to post. - Prize Claims:
When you claim prizes in the Prize Claim tower, you will be required to paste a link to your claim into your Trainer Profile. BBP's Approvers will use these links when making sure that your counter earnings and spendings add up properly. Help make their job a little easier, please, and keep this section tidy!
Before you pick your starting Pokemon, let's take a look at an example Pokemon Profile:

Muginn (Murkrow ♀)
Level 2 EXP: 06 / 10
Hardy nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Dark/Flying
Abilities: Insomnia, Super Luck HA: Prankster
Name Etymology:
The younger raven serving the god Odin in Norse myth. Each dawn, she flies low along the entire mortal realm to learn the whispers of the soil, beasts, and corpses; and each dusk she returns to inform Odin of her findings.
Attitude and Motive:
Muginn has a slothful, impetuous personality. Rather than better herself or pursue challenging goals, it is her preference to laze about and eat junk food.
Found at the roadside, ailing from apparent illness. After being brought home and tended to, however, Muginn revealed that she was merely ill from over-eating. The manner in which she displayed this--by expelling her meal all across the carpet--was to be an omen for the future. Muginn has proven herself to be troublesome, untidy, and all-round an extraordinarily irritating nuisance to her trainer.
The younger raven serving the god Odin in Norse myth. Each dawn, she flies low along the entire mortal realm to learn the whispers of the soil, beasts, and corpses; and each dusk she returns to inform Odin of her findings.
Attitude and Motive:
Muginn has a slothful, impetuous personality. Rather than better herself or pursue challenging goals, it is her preference to laze about and eat junk food.
Found at the roadside, ailing from apparent illness. After being brought home and tended to, however, Muginn revealed that she was merely ill from over-eating. The manner in which she displayed this--by expelling her meal all across the carpet--was to be an omen for the future. Muginn has proven herself to be troublesome, untidy, and all-round an extraordinarily irritating nuisance to her trainer.
Attack: 6
Defen.: 3
Sp.Atk: 6
Sp.Def: 3
Speed: 91
Size: 1
Weight: 1
Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Air Slash
Brave Bird
Dark Pulse
Double Team
Drill Peck
Feint Attack
Shadow Ball
Thunder Wave
Wing Attack
Level 1:
Air Cutter
Calm Mind
Confuse Ray
Night Shade
Ominous Wind
Quick Attack
Rain Dance
Steel Wing
Sucker Punch
Sunny Day
Level 2:
Beat Up
Dream Eater
Feather Dance
Foul Play
Heat Wave
Nasty Plot
Psycho Shift
Scary Face
Secret Power
Sky Attack
Take Down
In this profile, we can see that Muginn's trainer has provided all of the required information for a Pokemon in BBP, in the proper order:
- Sprite: You need an image that represents your Pokemon. Typing
on Smogon Forums gives you a nice, convenient animated .gif of Murkrow for Muginn's trainer to use; but any sufficiently small and recognizable image will suffice. If you aren't sure if a sprite is recognizable, ask your fellow BBP players! - Species Name: Muginn's species, "Murkrow", is clearly visible directly under her Sprite, where it belongs.
- Level and EXP: Muginn's trainer has managed to advance her to Level 2. Your Pokemon will start at Level 0 with no EXP.
- Nature: Because Muginn is a low Level, she can only have a neutral (non-stat-altering) Nature, if a Nature is desired. These are Hardy, Docile, Bashful, Quirky, and Serious. Once she Levels up more, she'll be able to select a stat-altering Nature to improve her stats!
- Typing: Muginn's types, being Dark and Flying, are listed in the proper order for a Murkrow.
- Abilities: Muginn's Abilities are listed in the proper order for a Murkrow. If Muginn's Level was lower, her Hidden Ability would be crossed out with
formatting. Pokemon can unlock their Hidden Ability by Leveling up to Level 2 or higher. - Stats: Muginn's maximum HP, her five core stats, and her Size and Weight Classes are listed, in order.
- Moves: Every move at Muginn's disposal is listed, sorted Level by Level, and then alphabetically. As Muginn Levels up, she'll add new moves from each Level she reaches; each Level sorted alphabetically after the next.
The definition of what constitutes an "identifiable" sprite is subjective. If you are uncertain as to whether an image you wish to use is acceptable as a profile sprite, ask your fellow players.
Thanks to Smogon's talented userbase, there exists a repository of April Fool's Day sprites to provide some guidelines for what constitutes "recognizable":
✓ Acceptable:
✗ Unacceptable:
Thanks to Smogon's talented userbase, there exists a repository of April Fool's Day sprites to provide some guidelines for what constitutes "recognizable":
✓ Acceptable:

In addition to the above, Muginn's trainer has furnished her profile with a few touches of flavor: Muginn has a nickname, a gender symbol ("♀"), and some short prose about her nickname's history, her personality, and her backstory. In addition, Muginn's profile has been freshened up with the use of
and [b]
tags to clarify the formatting. No such touches are required for a Pokemon in BBP, but they help bring your team to life!Your Starter Pokemon
All this information about how to make your starters is well and good, but who can you actually choose?
Well, the answer is almost any Pokemon that hasn't evolved, except the Pokemon on this list:

That's right, every Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, as well as every Ultra Beast and Paradox Pokemon. Hardly surprising, no?

Type: Null is purchasable in BBP. Amassing a suite of Memory items to maximize the potential of your Silvally into the best type for each challenge ahead can be a fun and rewarding goal!
That said, if you would like some guidance:

It can be prudent to start with a mix of early-blooming and late-blooming Pokemon. Because moves are given Levels based on their complexity, rather than their power, some Pokemon will gain most of their strength early and some will gain their strength quite late.

Some Pokemon work effectively "out of the box". They can use their high stats to leverage the attacking moves common to Levels 0 and 1, and they learn few of the more complex higher-Level moves. Having a straightforward bruiser on your team, such as Heracross, Ursaluna, Drampa, or Volcarona can help you muscle through early battles and rack up EXP on your late-blooming Pokemon.

Many fan-favorite Pokemon are exceptionally powerful at high Level, once they've learned all of their best moves. However, until they learn moves that they rely on for survival, such as Gengar or Dragapult, or until they learn a particular move or moves that they're designed around, such as Grimmsnarl or Serperior, they will have to work harder to compete.

There are also well-rounded Pokemon who learn a variety of simple and complex moves as they Level. For the most part, bulky offensive Pokemon featuring lots of coverage moves such as Dragonite, Togekiss, Dusknoir, Gardevoir, and Gallade will fit this description.
If that sounds too much like metagaming for your taste, there's another option:

CAP Starters! These three Pokemon—Fawnifer, Smogecko, and Swirlpool—were designed from the ground up as Create-a-Pokemon 25. Their final evolutions Caribolt, Smokomodo, and Snaelstrom were lovingly crafted by the CAP community to celebrate more than a decade of the CAP Project. They cover each others' weaknesses well, and offer a blend of offense and defense that is sure to make your BBP experience a blast!
Once you've chosen your starting Pokemon, whoever they may be, it's time to put them in your Profile Thread!
Pokemon Profile Template
To make Profiles for your own Pokemon, you can follow the guidelines above to ensure all of the required information is present in the order required, or you can use the template below. Fill in the information fields with the data of your Pokemon. You can safely delete any field your Pokemon doesn't use, such as Forme data for most Pokemon.
[b][size=7]NICKNAME[/size] SPECIES[/b]
[size=5]Level [b]0[/b][/size] EXP 0 / 10
[b][u]Unique Traits[/u][/b]
(If your Pokemon a Trait from their species, such as Rotom's Trait "Has the command Forme Shift." or Squawkabilly's Trait "Has two Hidden Abilities." it goes here.)
(If the Pokemon has alternate Formes and can change Formes, the Sprites, Typing, Abilities, Stats, and Traits of those Formes would go here.)
[u]Level 0[/u]
(List all of your Pokemon's Level 0 Moves here, one move per line.)
[u]Level 1[/u]
(List all of your Pokemon's Level 1 Moves here, if they are Level 1 or higher, one move per line.)
(and so on)
[b][size=7]NICKNAME[/size] SPECIES[/b]
[size=5]Level [b]0[/b][/size] EXP 0 / 10
[b][u]Unique Traits[/u][/b]
(If your Pokemon a Trait from their species, such as Rotom's Trait "Has the command Forme Shift." or Squawkabilly's Trait "Has two Hidden Abilities." it goes here.)
(If the Pokemon has alternate Formes and can change Formes, the Sprites, Typing, Abilities, Stats, and Traits of those Formes would go here.)
[u]Level 0[/u]
(List all of your Pokemon's Level 0 Moves here, one move per line.)
[u]Level 1[/u]
(List all of your Pokemon's Level 1 Moves here, if they are Level 1 or higher, one move per line.)
(and so on)
Once you have your profile exactly the way you want it, you'll wait until an approver takes a look. Our approvers will review your profile and let you know if there are any errors. You can think of them as referees for non-battle posts, such as prizes and profiles.
Their review will look like this:
(He wouldn't let me have 44 Special Attack on my Sableye. Killjoy!)
After your fixes are made, notify an approver (by typing their username with an "@" in front of it) so they can double-check.
Once you get their seal of approval... You're ready to play!

Finding an Opponent
You may be fired up to get started, but you can't play BBP against yourself. It's time to find a worthy opponent, and the best place for that is the Battle Tower thread!
To get started, you'll post your request for a Beginner Battle, or challenge another player's requested Beginner Battle. You'll also include the current queue in your new post—an important courtesy to other players and referees!

Battle It Out!
Once you've found an opponent and a referee, and your battle's thread is posted, you're playing BBP! At this point, you've done quite a bit of posting. But now, you'll need to know how to battle.
Battling is done in rounds. Each round, you will give your Pokemon a number of orders in sequence. A round includes a definite number of steps (usually 3 or 2), and each step includes one turn per battling Pokemon.
You can think of a round of battle, with three steps, like this:
The Round |
Start of Battling Phase | Step 1 ![]() Zangoose's Turn ![]() Seviper's Turn | Step 2 ![]() Zangoose's Turn ![]() Seviper's Turn | Step 3 ![]() Zangoose's Turn ![]() Seviper's Turn | End of Battling Phase |
A typical battle round will look like this example—one player will issue orders, then the other player will issue orders, and then the referee will report what happens.
In a battle with three steps, you might order your

"Give them the ol' Drain and Pain, Littleroot!"

Leech Seed - Sludge Bomb - Sludge Bomb
Your Pokemon would use Leech Seed in Step 1, and then Sludge Bomb in steps 2 and 3.
If you're ordering first, you might think that your orders are defenseless. In reality, you're allowed to order a certain number of substitutions each time you give orders. For example, if you expect that your opponent will use Protect to block your Leech Seed, you might tell your Bulbasaur:
"Give them the ol' Drain and Pain, Littleroot!"

Leech Seed - Sludge Bomb - Sludge Bomb
At the start of the step, IF Charmander intends to use Protect, THEN use Growth, and use Leech Seed next turn.
This will ensure that your opponent needs to work a little harder to escape your Leech Seed strategy!
You still get substitutions when ordering second, though you will likely use them less often there. You might issue "IF your foe is Poisoned, THEN use Venoshock" to take better advantage of your Sludge Bomb's chance to poison. You might also try to use Leech Seed again if you miss the target.
Players typically alternate ordering first and second. Some actions, such as switching your Pokemon or forcing your opponent to switch, will force you to order first.
To make it easy to keep track of your battles, you may consider bookmarking the link "https://www.smogon.com/forums/watched/threads". This will show you all of the threads you've Watched on Smogon — which will include any thread you've posted in, by default. If you do, make sure to use the "Watch" button on threads you have yet to post in.
This button is found at the top-right of the first post in any thread (including this one), like so:
You are now fully equipped to play your first match. Order first, order second, and display the full breadth of your skills!

The Path of a Trainer
BBP is best thought of as a "theme park" game, where you can challenge your choice of venue and opponent in a freeform order. However, not all of BBP is available to you right away.
As you train your Pokemon, so to will you grow and improve alongside them. Your Trainer Level increases as you reach certain milestones in BBP:

Increasing your Trainer Level unlocks additional venues of BBP for play. For example, the Raid Frontier requires challengers to be at least T.Lv2. Raising your Trainer Level lets you earn EXP and currency in more places, allowing you to strengthen your team, which allows you to take on tougher opponents and eventually raise your Trainer Level again.
Each time you attain a new Trainer Level, you'll earn a one-time reward as a prize for your achievement. Most of these rewards are various

The reward for reaching Trainer Level 5 hasn't yet been announced, so don't stress about racing to the top for the time being.
You can always find the requirement and reward for each Trainer Level in the Prize Claim thread.

The Spoils of Battle
Once you've finished your first battle: Congratulations! With your hard-fought victory or defeat comes your own hard-earned rewards!
A typical match will usually award and/or cost various Counters, which are the currencies used here. There are three types of Counters:
TC, or Training Counters, are used to catch, evolve, and promote your Pokemon.
RC, or Retail Counters, are used to buy more items.
JC, or Judge Counters, are used to pay referees for processing your battles. If you are a battler, you pay JC. To gain JC, you must referee matches. This is how we ensure that there's enough referees to go around.
However, before you can play with your new rewards, you have to have them approved at the {Prize Claiming Thread}, where approvers will make sure your rewards are correct. Once approved, you can add them to your Profile thread. In addition, the Prize Claiming Thread is also the place where you'll spend your hard-earned Counters, for the purchase of Pokemon eggs, training, and items. These purchases will need to be approved in the same way as reward claims.

Training Your Partners
After your first prize claim, you'll have Pokemon who are ready to Level Up and begin their path to greater mastery!
Your Pokemon, who start unevolved at Level 0, have the following progression to look forward to:
- They can begin leveling (and evolve, if applicable), which will make them Level 1, simply by participating in a battle, or if you spend a
Training Counter in the Prize Claiming Thread.
- To advance to higher levels, to the maximum of Level 4, they will have to battle in Facilities to earn Experience Points. As they level, they'll unlock features such as their Hidden Ability at Level 2, and your choice of stat-altering Nature at Level 3.
- Lastly, once they've reached Level 4, they can begin to earn advanced techniques by fighting powerful Pinnacle Opponents in each of the different Facilities.

Once your Pokemon reaches Level 1, you may select their evolution stage. For example, when you advance your Bulbasaur to Level 1, you get to decide whether they will exist in BBP as a Bulbasaur, an Ivysaur, or a Venusaur. Some unevolved Pokemon like Scyther have upsides over their evolved forms, but you'll typically want to choose the latest evolution stage. Some Pokemon have inherent Traits that modify how they evolve or what they evolve in to. For example, Nincada evolves into two Pokemon at once, and you get to keep both of them! Pokemon can be truly wondrous at times.
To reach Levels 2 through 4, your Pokemon will require 10 Experience Points ("EXP"). This target doesn't grow with Level — each Level is 10 points from the next. EXP can be obtained from Facilities, such as the Battle Tree and Realgam Tower. Pokemon can't "stock" EXP beyond this maximum of 10. For example, if a Pokemon is Level 2 with 5 EXP, and they are awarded 7 EXP from a battle, they must use 5 of that EXP to become Level 3, and only then may they receive the remaining 2 EXP from their reward.
Pokemon can only obtain EXP from a battle of their own Level or higher. If the Pokemon earns enough EXP to reach a level that's higher than the battle they're receiving EXP from, any excess is lost. In the case where your Pokemon has most of the EXP they need for a Level-Up, you might consider sending them into a battle of the next Level above them, so that none of the EXP you earn goes to waste.
You can send Pokemon into battles below their Level, as if they were the Level of that battle. This feature is called "Level Sync", and that Pokemon is said to "sync down" to the battle's Level. When a Pokemon is synced down to a lower Level, any higher-Level moves, abilities, or advanced techniques will be unavailable to them. Pokemon that are synced will still keep their Nature. Pokemon synced down in this way won't be eligible for the battle's EXP (since their "actual" Level is higher than the battle's), but this feature can help you build a stronger team for the Facility and improve your odds of earning lots of EXP for your other Pokemon.

Getting Technical
As you and your Pokemon grow in skill and experience, powerful Techniques will become available to you.
A resource called Technique Control ("tech", not TC), which represents your trainer's ability to direct and lead your Pokemon, is required to perform a Technique. You'll have to carefully decide which of your Pokemon will get to spend them in each battle. Some Pokemon are even so demanding that they themselves will require your Technique Control!
Starting at Level 2, your Pokemon will become capable of combinations—powerful actions made by adding two or more moves together. For example, you can combine Confuse Ray and Hyper Beam, creating a powerful Ghost-type attack that confuses the defender. Once you have combinations available to you, the strategic possibilities of BBP truly become endless.
At the highest Level, your Pokemon can battle powerful opponents to earn Advanced Techniques, such as Mega Evolution, Z-Move access, and more. Each of these special options has the ability to swing battles in your favor, making them highly coveted.
Advanced Techniques are very far into your journey. Once you're ready to begin earning them, you can refer to the comprehensive rules for their full details.

Your Pokemon Journey Awaits!
You now know the basics. Get out there and fight! Win, lose, create bonds and have fun! Having fun is the most important of those, by the way.
If you're still unsure what to do after evolving your partners, here are a few suggestions for beginners!
These three Facilities accept T.Lv1 trainers:
Try exploring the Safari Zone for a while! You can catch powerful Pokemon and reinforce your team!
Climb the Battle Tree and tell a story, with your words and attacks!
Gather your allies to clash with powerful Raid Boss Pokemon in the Raid Frontier!
Coordinate with the Guild Alliance to participate in rescue operations and other daring tasks!
Face off against other Trainers for the favor of legendary Pokemon in the Legend Gauntlet!
Team up with other Trainers to face strange and wonderful Seasonal Events!
Announce your supremacy among Trainers in the Boasting Hall! Then, see if you live up to your own hype!
Take a load off, wear your heart on your sleeve, and enjoy a wholly different game mode in the Contest Spectacular!
Enter the unpredictable and ever-changing Battle Pike, and push your battling skills to their limit! With luck and competence comes a chance to battle the Pike Queen...
Should you overcome those challenges, you might earn rare and powerful Pokemon... Your Battle-By-Post adventure is yours to start!
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