Pet Mod Gen 9 Crossover Chaos (Ver. C)

Should Balatro's jokers be considered valid characters?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Character Name: Whomp King
Type: Rock/Ground
Abilities: Solid Rock / Sturdy / Stamina
Stats: 110 / 115 / 120 / 65 / 70 / 35
Signature Move: Flatten
- Type: Rock
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 85
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 10
- Effects: 30% chance to lower the target’s Defense by 1 stage.
- Flavor: (Optional)
Full Moveset: Flatten, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Body Press, Shore Up, Stealth Rock, Iron Defense, Block, Toxic, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Hammer Arm, Heavy Slam, Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Curse,
Weight: 880 lbs
Overview/Justification: Physical wall with low Special Defense.
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Character Name: Molgera (Zelda: Wind Waker)
Type: Ground
Abilities: Sand Veil, Rough Skin, Earth Eater
Stats: 108/92/128/90/85/77 | 580 BST
Full Moveset: Ancient Power, Attack Order, Attract, Body Slam, Breaking Swipe, Brick Break, Brutal Swing, Bulldoze, Captivate, Coil, Confide, Counter, Crunch, Curse, Defend Order, Dig, Double Team, Double-Edge, Dragon Tail, Earth Power, Earthquake, Endure, Facade, Fissure, Fling, Fly, Frustration, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, High Horsepower, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Mimic, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift, Protect, Rest, Return, Roar, Rock Climb, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Rock Tomb, Round, Sand Tomb, Sand-Attack, Sandstorm, Scorching Sands, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Sludge Bomb, Snore, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Stomping Tantrum, Stone Edge, Strength, Substitute, Superpower, Swagger, Tackle, Take Down, Tera Blast, Thief, Toxic, Uproar, Wrap
Weight: Probably at least Orthworm's (310 kg / 683.4 lbs)
Overview/Justification: It's a spiny sand creature that summons larvae to fight at its side. Its standard combat style is to remain burrowed in the sand with its mouth wide open, much like Trapinch. When at low HP, it flies around before diving back into the sand.


Character Name: Hortensia (Fire Emblem: Engage)
Type: Flying/Fairy
Abilities: Cute Charm, Queenly Majesty
Stats: 80/40/50/80/170/130 | 550 BST
Full Moveset: Air Slash, Ally Switch, Aromatherapy, Aura Sphere, Block, Dazzling Gleam, Defog, Ember, Endure, Facade, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flash, Gust, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Hurricane, Life Dew, Protect, Recover, Refresh, Rest, Roost, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Taunt, Teleport, Tera Blast, Thunder, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Twin Beam, Volt Switch, Whirlwind, Will-O-Wisp, Wish
Weight: 156 kg / 343.9 lbs (mount included)
Overview/Justification: Her personal Wing Tamer and Sleipnir Rider classes have her mounted on a pegasus, so Flying is obligatory. Fairy typing and Cute Charm are based on her cutesy nature and being known in-game as "Little Charmer." She also gets Queenly Majesty as the second princess of Elusia. Being able to wield tomes and staves means having a wealth of special coverage (despite low Magic) and healing/utility options. One such tome is Tiramistorm, which justifies Dazzling Gleam due to the Fairy type typically being associated with sweets. Base stats are HP growth rate * 1.5 and the others doubled. EDIT: now Sleipnir Rider growth rates, all doubled

By the way, here are some easier-to-use lists of universal moves by generation.
Gen 9 (from Nov 18, 2022): Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast

Gen 8 (from Nov 15, 2019): Attract, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Round, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast

Gen 7 (from Nov 18, 2016): Attract, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Gen 5-6 (from Sep 18, 2010): Attract, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Gen 4 (from Sep 28, 2006): Attract, Captivate, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Natural Gift, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Gen 3 (from Nov 21, 2002): Attract, Captivate, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Gen 2 (from Nov 21, 1999): Attract, Captivate, Confide, Curse, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Gen 1 (earlier): Attract, Bide, Captivate, Confide, Curse, Double Team, Double-Edge, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rage, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic
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"You come to my home, interfere in my business, and now have the gall to face me in the heart of my lair? You petulant bollocks."
Character Name: Auntie Ethel
Series of Origin: Baldur's Gate
Type: Fairy / Poison
Abilities: Magician / Merciless / Mold Breaker
Stats: 100 / 105 / 95 / 105 / 70 / 55 [BST: 530]
Full Moveset: Aromatic Mist, Crafty Shield, Dazzling Gleam, Fairy Wind, Misty Explosion, Misty Terrain, Nature's Madness, Play Rough, Spirit Break, Strange Steam, Acid, Acid Spray, Belch, Clear Smog, Corrosive Gas, Cross Poison, Poison Gas, Poison Jab, Poison Powder, Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Smog, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Venoshock, Aerial Ace, Fury Cutter, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Slash, X-Scissor, Cut, False Swipe, Crush Claw, Metal Claw, Shadow Claw, Hone Claws, Double Team, Substitute, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Facade, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Brick Break, Final Gambit, Revenge, Reversal, Rock Smash, Superpower, Upper Hand, Life Dew, Wish, Moonlight, Attack Order, Bug Bite, Bug Buzz, Lunge, Parting Shot, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Rock Smash, Pound, Nasty Plot, Foul Play, Destiny Bond, Light Screen, Psychic, Psychic Noise, Confide, Mean Look, Block, Infestation, Trick, Swagger, Torment, Taunt, Endure, Helping Hand, Take Down, Tera Blast, Imprison, Energy Ball, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Role Play, Thunder Wave, Hyper Voice, Echoed Voice, Growl, Roar, Uproar, Snarl, Screech
Weight: 103 kg (227 lbs)
Overview/Justification: Despite her evil nature, Ethel is a fey, justifying her fairy type. Her main choice of attacks involves the poison element and she lives in an rotted area with poison gas, explaining the poison type. Her main physical attack involves her claws, which is why she learns many claw/slashing type moves. Her Bug and Psychic type coverage is explained by some of the spells she learns and uses in the game, these being Vicious Mockery and Ethel's Insect Plague. Female Only.


"My king, o my king. Come forth now with haste. With my elegant lightning. Let us lay this land to waste. Tear apart the skies. Rend the clouds asunder. Pave the road to paradise. With hurricane and thunder."
Character Name: Narwa
Series of Origin: Monster Hunter
Type: Dragon / Electric
Abilities: Pressure / Queenly Majesty / Telepathy
Stats: 88 / 83 / 77 / 105 / 112 / 75 [BST: 540]
Full Moveset: Core Enforcer, Draco Meteor, Dragon Breath, Dragon Cheer, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rage, Dragon Rush, Dragon Tail, Outrage, Twister, Charge, Charge Beam, Discharge, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Electro Ball, Electroweb, Magnet Rise, Parabolic Charge, Shock Wave, Supercell Slam, Thunder, Thunder Fang, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Rapid Spin, Roost, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Fly, Gust, Hurricane, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Tail Slap, Tail Whip, Iron Tail, Earth Power, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Coil, Roar, Screech, Hyper Beam, Signal Beam, Slam, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Scary Face, Giga Impact, Uproar, Crunch, Bite, Energy Ball, Swift, Fire Fang, Flash, Light Screen, Pound, Rock Smash, Thunder Punch, Weather Ball, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Gyro Ball, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Snore, Work Up, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice
Weight: 244 kg (538 lbs)
Overview/Justification: The design probably makes it obvious why she's Dragon / Electric. Has a wide variety of attacks including bites, beams, thunderbolts, wind attacks, energy balls, tail slams, head slams, spinning attacks, and more, explaining the diverse movepool. Her most powerful attacks involve her not using direct combat, which is why her special attack is higher. Her abilities are largely tied towards her relationship with Wind Serpent Ibushi, who she powers up from after his death. Female Only.
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"I love Demacia! It's the only place I've been."
Character Name: Galio
Origin: League of Legends

Abilities: Iron Fist / Justified / Anti-Magic Bulwark (On switch-in, this Pokemon and its allies' Special Defense are rised by one stage)
Stats: 110 / 105 / 85 / 70 / 90 / 75 | 535 BST
Signature Move: Colossal Smash
- Type:

- Classification:

- Power: 75
- Accuracy: 100%
- PP: 10 (16 Max)
- Effects: Uses the user's Special Defense in damage calculation rather than Attack stat. Makes Physical contact. Punch move.
- Flavor: In-game this is a passive that periodically empowers his next auto attack to deal bonus damage based on his Magic Resistance, which I'm equating to Special Defense in Pokemon terms.
Colossal Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Wide Guard, Rock Polish, Sandstorm, Hurricane, Dual Wingbeat, Fly, Roost, Defog, Superpower, Hammer Arm, Focus Punch, Body Press, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Electric Punch, Fire Punch, Follow Me, Whirlwind, Sleep Talk, Tera Blast, Substitute, Protect, Taunt, Steel Wing, Heavy Slam, Rest.
Weight: 950 kg (look at that splash art seesh)
Flavor: Galio is a giant statue made of a magic abosrbing rock who has golden wings and can create gusts of wind by flapping them, so Rock/Flying. Iron Fist because half of his lines are about wanting to punch stuff, Justified because the other half are about how cool and just his country of Demacia is (even has an ability called Justice Punch) and Anti-Magic Bulwark is based on his W passive, which gives him (and his allies with his ult) a magic damage shield. Most of his movepool is general big guy/wind themed stuff, with Taunt and Follow Me being based on his Shield of Durand ability.
Competitive: Big specially defensive sponge that can take takes he really shouldn't if you were to opt for Anti-Magic Bulwark, which means you get a free Assault Vest while not giving up on his solid support options (Defog, Taunt and Stealth Rock) or Roost for recovery. While its defensive typing isn't atrocious (giving you nifty resists to fire, flying and U-turn and a huge immunity to ground) it can also backfire, forcing you into going for Heavy Duty Boots most games and giving you unwelcomed weaknesses to boltbeam coverage.
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"I was prawn ready!"
Character Name: Hank
Series of Origin: Brawl Stars

Abilities: Water Absorb, Take Cover (User's Defense is raised by 2 when one of its stats is lowered)
Stats: 108 | 92 | 115 | 105 | 92 | 38 [BST= 550]
Movepool (notable moves italicized): Aqua Ring, Aura Sphere, Body Slam, Bubble, Bubble Beam, Bug Buzz, Chilling Water, Clear Smog, Counter, Detect, Endure, Facade, Fish Torpedoes, Flash Cannon, Flip Turn, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Haze, Heavy Slam, Helping Hand, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Imprison, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Life Dew, Metal Burst, Mirror Shot, Mist, Mud-Slap, Muddy Water, Pin Missile, Protect, Quick Guard, Rain Dance, Rapid Spin, Rest, Reversal, Scary Face, Skitter Smack, Sleep Talk, Sludge Bomb, Snore, Spin Out, Struggle Bug, Substitute, Surf, Take Down, Trailblaze, Trump Card, Toxic, U-turn, Waterfall, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Whirlpool, Withdraw, Zen Headbutt
Signature Move: Fish Torpedoes -
50 BP, 100 Acc, 10/16 PP | User recovers up to 1/3 max HP.​
Weight: 1810.0kg
Water typing and some bug coverage because he's a shrimp, Fighting type comes from his military theming, with him riding a tank (also leads to steel coverage).
In his native game Hank's main attack is a charged water bubble, hence the Water Absorb ability (huge stretch but wtv) and learning Bubble/Bubble Beam.
Take Cover is named after one of his Star Powers (passive ability) which grants a shield when next to a wall - this effect would be pretty gimmicky to try to implement within Pokemon's mechanics so I just made it a Defiant clone.
Hank's sig move is based on his Super of the same name, which also recovers health when used.
Rapid Spin is based on his win animation.
Competitive Justification: Physical-leaning tank and spinner. Fish Torpedoes allows Hank to simultaneously recover health and apply pressure with his solid SpA. Has other desirable traits for a wall, including knock and sr resistance, good defensive Abilities (doesn't get stab bpress to combo with take cover, womp womp), and slow pivoting via Flip Turn.
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Character Name: Typhone
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh - Monster Capsule: Breed & Battle
Type: Ground / Flying
Abilities: Solid Rock / Pressure (HA: Cannoneer)
Cannoneer: User is 2x resistant to Rock-Type moves & Stealth Rock, and its attacks do not make Contact with the target.
Stats: 91 / 80 / 120 / 40 / 89 / 90 (BST: 510)
Signature Move: Ball Repair
- Type: Steel
- Classification: Status
- Power: –
- Accuracy: 100%
- PP: 16
- Effects: The user restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded half up. Until the end of the turn, the user loses its Flying Type and becomes pure Ground. Does nothing if the user's HP is full.
- Flavor Notes: Cannoneer + Ball Repair aim to reflect Typhone's capacity as a ranged fighter and its effectiveness in the craggy mountain areas in which it lives. The loss of Flying is for when it rests to restore its energy.

Full Moveset:
Acrobatics, Agility, Ball Repair, Counter, Curse, Dark Pulse, Defog, Double-Edge, Dual Wingbeat, Earthquake, Facade, Fling, Frustration, Gunk Shot, High Horsepower, Hone Claws, Knock Off, Lunge, Protect, Quick Attack, Rest, Refresh, Rock Slide, Sleep Talk, Sludge Bomb, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Steel Wing, Stone Edge, Substitute, Taunt, Trump Card, Toxic, U-Turn, Wish

Weight: 64.8 kg
Overview/Justification: A utility wall that acts somewhat akin to a Gliscor sidegrade; maintains reliable recovery (including an unnerfed Roost clone) a mix of tools like Knock Off and hazards that can apply pressure over time, and with Cannoneer to avoid contact hazards like Poison Point / Iron Barbs that would chip it faster, but with less automatic longevity and explosive physical offense to be more of a pure wall.
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Character Name: Wall of Flesh
Type: Dark/Fairy
Abilities: Intimidate, Filter, (Aura Break)
Stats: 140, 55, 60, 55, 80, 50
Signature Move: The Tongue
- Type: Dark
- Classification: Special
- Power: 80
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 20
- Effects: Prevents the target from switching out.
- Flags: Contact, Protect, Metronome, Mirror
Full Moveset: The Tongue, Dark Pulse, Draining Kiss, Body Slam, Body Press, Fairy Wind, Pursuit, Bite, Crunch, Laser Focus, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Leer, Growl, Iron Defense, Clear Smog, Knock Off, Poison Fang, Spite, Infestation, Hyper Voice, Attract, Bide, Captivate, Confide, Curse, Double Team, Double-Edge, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rage, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic
Weight: 999kg
Overview/Justification: The Wall of Flesh’s bulk and abilities allow for it to tank attacks well, and its access to trapping moves keep the opponent’s pokémon on the field. Its hidden ability allows for more longevity as it can lower the opponent’s attack power, while also lowering its own.
Flavor: The Wall of Flesh is the final boss of Terraria’s pre-hardmode phase. In lore, it is the guardian of the ancient spirits of light and dark, and its typing, as well as hidden ability, reflect that. Genderless.


Character Name: Theo (In the Crystal)
Type: Rock/Psychic
Abilities: Unbreakable Mind: The first hit it takes it blocked, and it takes 1/8th HP instead, (Stall)
Stats: 255, 10, 10, 75, 140, 10
Full Moveset: Psychic, Power Gem, Ancient Power, Confusion, Iron Defense, Amnesia, Cosmic Power, Stealth Rock, Hard Press, Body Slam, Seismic Toss, Light Screen, Reflect, Detect, Obstruct, Recover, Attract, Bide, Captivate, Confide, Curse, Double Team, Double-Edge, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rage, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic
Weight: 999kg
Overview/Justification: Theo is very similar to Blissey stat-wise, but has slightly more special defense and lacks in speed. Unlike Blissey, however, Theo’s typing is much worse, but he has a more powerful ability to give him more longevity.
Flavor: In Celeste, after Theo enters the mirror temple, the negative thoughts in his head manifest into an unbreakable crystal that he is trapped within. Always male.


Character Name: Poppetox
Type: Normal
Abilities: Create Effigy: When HP goes below 50%, create a substitute. Only activates once., Clear Body, (Soundproof)
Stats: 110, 75, 90, 75, 90, 50
Signature Move: Feedback
- Type: Normal
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 130
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 5
- Effects: Charges turn one, attacks turn 2. 50% chance to flinch the target.
- Flags: Sound, Protect, Metronome, Mirror
Full Moveset: Feedback, Sucker Punch, Haze, Odor Sleuth, Double Hit, Spite, Strength Sap, Double Slap, Fake Out, Strength, Low Sweep, Mach Punch, Psywave, Confusion, Supersonic, Dream Eater, Secret Power, Strange Steam, Dynamic Punch, Dizzy Punch, Flatter, Signal Beam, Attract, Bide, Captivate, Confide, Curse, Double Team, Double-Edge, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rage, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic
Weight: 0.01kg
Overview/Justification: Poppetox’s high defense combined with substitute and confusion allow for it to survive for a long time.
Flavor: Poppetox is the incarnation of puppetry, and creates effigies in the likeness of the player and their partner to protect it from harm during its boss fight in Cassette Beasts. It is an archangel, which means it is an incomprehensible manifestation of concepts created by humanity. Genderless.
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Character Name: Dewy
Type: Water/Fairy
Stats: 95/83/105/93/80/85 (Total: 541)
Abilities: Water Absorb/Air Lock
Full Movepool: Acid Armor, Air Slash, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Baby-Doll Eyes, Blizzard, Body Slam, Charge, Chilling Water, Confide, Dazzling Gleam, Defog, Discharge, Earth Power, Earthquake, Electric Terrain, Endure, Facade, Flip Turn, Grassy Terrain, Haze, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Ice Spinner, Icy Wind, Life Dew, Liquidation, Magnet Rise, Magnitude, Mist, Misty Terrain, Morning Sun, Natural Gift, Play Rough, Powder Snow, Protect, Purify, Rain Dance, Recover, Rest, Return, Round, Scald, Secret Power, Sing, Sleep Talk, Snore, Snowscape, Strange Steam, Substitute, Sunny Day, Surf, Swagger, Tailwind, Take Down, Tera Blast, Terrain Pulse, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Toxic, Triple Axel, Volt Switch, Water Pulse, Water Sport, Weather Ball, Whirlwind
Weight: 0.2 lbs
Overview/Justification: It would be criminal for me to not at least try to add Dewy. His base form (as opposed to his much more problematic sun summoning Mist form) proved to be one of the more fair and balanced Pokemon in the previous meta, serving as a solid Pokemon for hazard removal, status spreading, and generally absorbing physical damage. Of course, much of that was owed to the success of powerful threats like Wriggle Nightbug, but even still, Dewy has some solid traits as a physical wall. As far as flavor goes, he’s a dewdrop and also a guardian of nature, granting him the ability to manipulate temperature and control the winds and the earth.


Character Name: Luigi
Type: Normal/Flying
Abilities: Rattled/Klutz/Analytic
Stats: 86/85/101/85/111/82 (Total: 550)
Signature Move: Luigi Logic
- Type: Normal
- Classification: Status
- Accuracy: 90
- PP: 5 (max 8)
- Effect: Disables the target’s ability and previous move selection.
Signature Z-Move: Linking Lighthouse Launch
- Z-Crystal Name: Bondium-Z
- Z-Move Classification: Special
- Z-Move Power: 175
- Z-Move Effect: Enhanced from Tri-Attack. Has a 50% chance to Paralyze, Burn, or Freeze.
- Z-Move Flavor: Luigi has Snoutlet create a Lighthouse plug, with Mario joining in to blast the enemy with simultaneous fire and ice, before a power connection is created to finish the attack.
Full Movepool: Stomp, Return, Body Slam, Dizzy Punch, Rapid Spin, Hyper Voice, Tri-Attack, Bounce, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Brick Break, Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Hammer Arm, Body Press, Counter, Blaze Kick, Ice Punch, Ice Hammer, Blizzard, Icy Wind, Discharge, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Chilling Water, Fling, Recover, Whirlwind, Laser Focus, Focus Energy, Teeter Dance, Defog, Haze, Thunder Wave, Aromatherapy, Protect, Substitute, Tera Blast, Rest, Snore, Sleep Talk
Weight: 136 lbs
Overview/Justification: The previous version of Luigi proved tough to handle due to his prodigious coverage and his highly powerful signature move, Poltergust. However, this Luigi is much more geared towards bulk, being based on his appearance in Mario & Luigi Brothership. Rattled is based on his tendency to scare easy, Klutz on his series of unfortunate landings among other bits of physical comedy, and Analytic stems from the same thing as his signature move, Luigi Logic, which is used in some battles to stun or disrupt bosses. Luigi’s Z-Move is based on the lighthouse linking scene, which occurs when you connect an island back to Shipshape. His various moves include stomping, bouncing, and hammer attacks, as well as other moves he can perform as a result of Battle Plugs or Bros Attacks. Recover and Aromatherapy are based on the Mushroom items and the Refreshing Herbs, respectively, since this Luigi is meant to have a cleric sort of role, while also spreading paralysis or otherwise disrupting opponents.
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Time for vetoes! Please note, anything listed here will not be eligible for voting unless the issues presented are addressed. If you see your sub here, please edit your post before the submission deadline. If you have any questions about what can help to make your submission legal, please ask any council member on the Discord.

Character Name: Black Ooze
Character Name: The Ironclad
Character Name: Giant Golden Crab
Yes, all three of them. Life Drain was reduced in power, so that's good, but remove Nasty Plot from Black Ooze, and you're good on that front.
The Ironclad, as is, serves more as a bulky setup sweeper than an explicit wall, so this would probably need a full rework.
Giant Golden Crab is merely unfinished, so add more moves and preferably a weight, so that Heavy Slam is usable on it.

Pokémon: Torch God
The council had a brief discussion on this, and it seemed to be agreed that the Torch God does not sufficiently qualify as a character for the purposes of a submission. It is implied to exist and have influence, yes, but it does not make an actual appearance, only being the cause for the event that shares its name. If the Torch God does make a full appearance, then it would be valid, but as of now it cannot be accepted in any form.

Character Name: Thornyan
Between Swords Dance, Strength Sap, and Drain Punch, its ability to serve as fast bulky setup is somewhat intimidating. I would lower the Speed a bit, but there are probably other ways to nerf it that would also be acceptable.

Character Name: Inaros
Multiple things need to be addressed here. Inaros was so thoroughly crippled by his typing last time that he was immediately unviable as a wall. I'd go with either mono-Rock or mono-Ground. Also, adding a sand setter this early is not particularly something I'd be interested in; perhaps the meta could turn that direction, but this slate I would like to avoid it. The signature move is questionable flavorwise, does it inflict poison in the game or is it more a swarm of biting insects? And moreover, Salt Cure, Attack Order, and Ground moves make it redundant on multiple accounts.

Pokémon: Bowser
Character Name: Mogryph
Character Name: Wolf O'Donnell
None of these are walls; this is the slate for walls. Follow the slate theme with your submissions, please.

That's it for now. This may be updated after further discussion with the council, so please keep an eye on this post. The submission deadline is still set to be Sunday, at roughly the time the slate opened last Sunday.
Time for vetoes! Please note, anything listed here will not be eligible for voting unless the issues presented are addressed. If you see your sub here, please edit your post before the submission deadline. If you have any questions about what can help to make your submission legal, please ask any council member on the Discord.

Yes, all three of them. Life Drain was reduced in power, so that's good, but remove Nasty Plot from Black Ooze, and you're good on that front.
The Ironclad, as is, serves more as a bulky setup sweeper than an explicit wall, so this would probably need a full rework.
Giant Golden Crab is merely unfinished, so add more moves and preferably a weight, so that Heavy Slam is usable on it.

The council had a brief discussion on this, and it seemed to be agreed that the Torch God does not sufficiently qualify as a character for the purposes of a submission. It is implied to exist and have influence, yes, but it does not make an actual appearance, only being the cause for the event that shares its name. If the Torch God does make a full appearance, then it would be valid, but as of now it cannot be accepted in any form.

Between Swords Dance, Strength Sap, and Drain Punch, its ability to serve as fast bulky setup is somewhat intimidating. I would lower the Speed a bit, but there are probably other ways to nerf it that would also be acceptable.

Multiple things need to be addressed here. Inaros was so thoroughly crippled by his typing last time that he was immediately unviable as a wall. I'd go with either mono-Rock or mono-Ground. Also, adding a sand setter this early is not particularly something I'd be interested in; perhaps the meta could turn that direction, but this slate I would like to avoid it. The signature move is questionable flavorwise, does it inflict poison in the game or is it more a swarm of biting insects? And moreover, Salt Cure, Attack Order, and Ground moves make it redundant on multiple accounts.

None of these are walls; this is the slate for walls. Follow the slate theme with your submissions, please.

That's it for now. This may be updated after further discussion with the council, so please keep an eye on this post. The submission deadline is still set to be Sunday, at roughly the time the slate opened last Sunday.
This veto post will be redone, so I implore you to ignore it for now - very sorry for the inconvenience. Keegan sent this without any contact to the rest of the council, meaning our inputs were not included (a lot more likely would have been vetoed, and some vetoes we 3 agreed - namely Black Ooze and Thornyan - were not correct in their reasoning). I understand if this will anger you, as it certainly should as many of you have made changes already (although for some of you, namely Swagodile and Cookie Butter, Keegan’s veto was apt in our opinions). The rest of the council has agreed to bring this up as well, I am not doing this solely on my own volition. We’re trying to sort things out now, hopefully we can get the new post out by tomorrow. Please do not stir any drama based on this announcement, it is unnecessary and will only delay the new veto post. Thank you for your understanding.
With further discussion amongst the council, I bring to you a more comprehensive list of vetoes:

Character Name: Bowser
Character Name: Ezili
The council has determined that, since most submissions have been aiming towards a standard OU level of bulk, these submissions are both too bulky, so please reduce Bowser's defensive spread, and nerf the potency of Ezili's ability (compensate with a bit more raw bulk). Also, Bowser's signature move chips for too much, so reducing its effectiveness by a fair bit is also necessary.

Pokémon: Ambling Pearl
Being honest I think either the previous version or playtesters were just insane; Toxic Debris on a Pokemon this bulky is extremely dangerous, so the council has suggested changing it (perhaps to Poison Point). (By the way, you listed this as "Pokemon: Limbus Company" instead of "Pokemon: Ambling Pearl")

Pokémon: Heavy
Heavy is, ironically, a bit too heavy. The council has agreed that reducing his bulk is needed.

Character Name: attack battalion convoys
Currently, this doesn't really accomplish what a wall needs to accomplish, it's a fast utility pivot but it's very passive and not at all geared towards long term survival. The council has called for this to be reworked.

Character Name: Galio
Like with prior submissions, the way things have shaked out makes this submission's special bulk a bit too potent, especially with the free +1. Toning its special bulk down would definitely balance things out.

Character Name: Black Ooze
Looking at this again, the council determined its physical bulk is too potent. Reducing it along with keeping the previous changes is in order.

Character Name: Inaros
My previous statements still stand, here, but I won't be vetoing this outright. Inaros is definitely undertuned in his current state, so I would still recommend changing the typing at the very least.

Character Name: Hortensia (Fire Emblem: Engage)
Yet again not a full veto, but as she stands she's weaker than the level of power the general submission base is at. The council suggests reducing her passivity and increasing her physical bulk, since Fairy/Flying is generally better for walling physical threats.

Thank you for your patience in this unusual situation; my previous vetoes do still apply where applicable, though in the future this will be much more of a one and done affair.
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please do not specifically wait until after you've closed submissions to tell me that you've revived the mod

"Free will is a myth! Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater... memes. The DNA of the soul!"
Character Name: Monsoon
Origin: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Type: Steel/Electric
Abilities: Levitate / Segmentation (User is immune to Fighting moves)
Stats: 120 HP / 87 Attack / 100 Defense / 73 Special Attack / 73 Special Defense / 101 Speed (554 total)
Signature Move: Dystopia
- Type: Electric
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 60
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 10
- Effects: If the opponent attempts to switch out on the turn that Dystopia is used, Dystopia will hit them first and inflict Paralysis. (Similar to Pursuit but with paralysis instead of doubled power.)
- Flavor: The user attacks with the Magnetic Sai, Dystopia. If used while an opponent is switching out, it will pursue and paralyze the target.
Full Moveset:
Iron Head, Supercell Slam, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Skitter Smack, U-Turn
Volt Switch
Taunt, Thunder Wave, Smokescreen, Toxic, Powder, Confuse Ray, Eerie Impulse, Shore Up
Weight: 228.1 kg
Overview/Justification: This nihilistic ninja had his cybernetic body seperated into magnetically-attached segments and fights through trickery. He's equipped with the Magnetic Sai "Dystopia", which can release electric charge at a long distance. He has one of the highest boss healths in the game (though it's offset by Raiden having Ripper Mode constantly active during the fight) and one of his specialties is how hard it is to damage him with physical attacks, so he's perfect as a wall! One of his tricks is using clouds of white phosphorus as a infrared-proof smokescreen, and he tends to taunt his foes mid-battle. He's really annoying. (White phosphorus is also poisonous and flammable, hence Toxic and Powder!) The Winds of Destruction have a bit of an elemental theme going on, and Monsoon is - oddly enough - the one who represents earth.

Basically, Monsoon's game plan is to spread status and generally be an asshole. Dystopia means that switching out just means he can paralyze you. It's really rude of him. However, his special defense isn't quite as good as his physical defense - much like how he's vulnerable to many of the game's subweapons.
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The results of the veto phase are as follows:
- Ambling Pearl, Heavy, Black Ooze, Giant Gold Crab, and Galio were all changed sufficiently and will all be allowed.
- Bowser, Ezili, Attack Battalion Convoys, and Torch God will not be allowed.

anaconja’s Shu
anaconja’s Hina
KirbyRider1337’s Ambling Pearl
Orangesodapop’s Black Ooze
Orangesodapop’s Giant Golden Crab
Fragmented’s Iron Golem
Tanny89k’s King Boo
Tanny89k’s Flagellant
ImaginaryNeon’s Heavy
ImaginaryNeon’s Wheatley
PalpitoadChamp’s Wall-Knight
Akira 153’s Hisami
Akira 153’s Ness
Rasdanation’s The Ringer
Ubertrainer2000’s Wildfire
Ubertrainer2000’s Kaede
Ubertrainer2000’s Kisumi
woo’s A.S.I.M.O.N.
Cookie Butter’s Tiamat-Larva
master oden’s Thumpback
master oden’s Thornyan
flareth13’s Inaros
T.I.A.’s Urnfulfilled
Swagodile’s Whomp King
Mygavolt’s Molgera
Mygavolt’s Hortensia
APaidActor’s Auntie Ethel
APaidActor’s Narwa
Gojiratar’s Galio
Beebos’ Hank
J.O.J.O DNU’s Typhone
Arcus72’s Wall of Flesh
Arcus72’s Theo-Crystal
Arcus72’s Poppetox
KeeganSkymin4444’s Dewy
KeeganSkymin4444’s Luigi
These are the valid characters to vote for. This slate, you may vote for 5 submissions, with an order of 3-2-1-1-1 points given for these votes in descending order, dropping the highest value for each vote not used. If you vote for your own submission, it must be your lowest vote (one self vote only), and you must use all five votes. This style of voting will hopefully be more effective in encouraging a collaborative effort, but it is subject to change as this mod goes on.

Voting will last for one week.