RU RU Swiss II - Signups

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is a Community Leaderis a Top Tiering Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
RU Leader

art by the goat Denial
Hello and welcome to the RU Swiss Tournament! This tournament is a Type B tournament for the 2024 RU Circuit. This year we will follow the format used by Smogon Masters, more details here:
stolen from Meri Berry
  • There will be an amount of rounds proportional to how many players sign up equal to how many rounds it would take for a single player to be undefeated. For example, we will have 6 rounds for 64 players, 7 for 128, and 8 for 256.
  • For each round, you will be matched up with someone that has the same record as you in the tournament. For example, if you are 2-1, you will be matched up against someone with the same rating as you.
  • As soon as you hit 3 losses (X-3), you are eliminated from the tournament entirely. This is done to avoid the issues of high drop rate and burnout.
  • Once all rounds are done, everyone with 2 or less losses will be added to a single elimination bracket (Top Cut), where they will be first seeded by record, then strength of opponent. If there are not enough players to make a complete bracket, byes will be given to the highest seed players. This will continue until there is 1 person remaining, which will be the winner.
  • Standard SV RU
  • Each round will be Best of 3, and you are allowed to switch teams between games.
  • All changes that happen in the tier during the middle of the week will not apply until the next round.
  • You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules.
  • VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
  • You are assumed to play at least three games in this tournament. Do not sign up if you think you cannot do the bare minimum.
I (feen) will be hosting this tournament alongside MachJacob.

Signups will end on June 9th at 23:59 GMT -4


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