Recent content by Zxcsq5

  1. Zxcsq5

    Resource SV 1v1 Team/Set Dump

    Hello Everyone! I have been doing a self imposed challenge on myself where I have to use the 3 recent pokemon of the day and then build a team to use on ladder. I come to you today to dump my first 10 days teams. Day 1 :Latios: :Tsareena: :Chansey: Day 2 :Ursaluna-Bloodmoon: :Latios: :Tsareena...
  2. Zxcsq5

    Project Break My Team! 1v1 (Cycle 19 at Post #523)

    :Sylveon: Sylveon @ Expert Belt Ability: Pixilate Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 252 SpA / 232 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Psychic - Moonblast - Skill Swap
  3. Zxcsq5

    Project Break My Team! 1v1 (Cycle 19 at Post #523)

    :gardevoir: Gardevoir @ Choice Specs Ability: Trace Tera Type: Psychic EVs: 72 Spe Bashful Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Psychic Gardevoir for the win.
  4. Zxcsq5

    Project Break My Team! 1v1 (Cycle 19 at Post #523)

    You curse turn 1 then recover if they click outrage.
  5. Zxcsq5

    Project Break My Team! 1v1 (Cycle 19 at Post #523)

    I thought I would bring in the goat. :quagsire: Quagsire @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Water Absorb Tera Type: Water EVs: 232 HP / 248 Def / 28 SpD Impish Nature - Curse - Earthquake - Eerie Impulse - Recover Also Amnesia Unaware also works but water absorb is cooler 116+ SpA Primarina Hydro Cannon...
  6. Zxcsq5

    Resource SV 1v1 Set Compendium [In Production] [Apply Now!]

    I updated the set in my original post and the ev explaination. Thanks!
  7. Zxcsq5

    Resource SV 1v1 Set Compendium [In Production] [Apply Now!]

    Pokemon Set: Skeledirge @ Weakness Policy Ability: Blaze / Unaware EVs: 248 HP / 208 Def / 52 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Yawn - Torch Song - Protect / Endure - Blast Burn EV Explanation: The 52 spdef is for tanking Gholdengo Shadow ball without Specs 252+ SpA Gholdengo Shadow...
  8. Zxcsq5

    Metagame Chimera 1v1

    Here the Challenge Code: /challenge gen8anythinggoes @@@ Chimera 1v1 Rule, OHKO Clause, Species Clause, Evasion Moves Clause, Dynamax Clause, -Shedinja, -Huge Power, -Moody, -Neutralizing Gas, -Truant, -Eviolite, -Leek, -Light Ball, -Perish Song, -Transform, -Bolt Beak, -Disable, -Double Iron...
  9. Zxcsq5

    Metagame Chimera 1v1

    How to Build a Decent Chimera 1v1 Team. The one problem that many people have with Chimera 1v1 is that it's a very complicated metagame to build and that makes people shy away from it. Chimera 1v1 is a super fun metagame to play once you get a good team and know how to play your team. I...
  10. Zxcsq5

    Metagame Chimera 1v1

    Chimera is a fun metagame and not that hard to build if you know how. This is my chimera team that I built while the ladder is not even in effect but enjoy playing against other people with. I am not sure if there is any counterplay to this team currently being used. This team can get around...
  11. Zxcsq5

    Metagame Flipped

    Did you do all the calcs with Flipped stats?
  12. Zxcsq5

    1v1 1v1 Ladder Tournament VI - Cycle 4 [#206]

    Zxcsq5 Cycle 1 Alts: 1vLTPBQ 1vLTPB Qscxz5 Yes