Recent content by Zanicus

  1. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Alright so I have 6 pokes, although I'll have to cheat to use 2 with frustration... -Charmander. Name it whatever you want. The number of pokemon it solos at the first gym without Metal Claw is the number of times it can evolve. -Meowth named Gollum, Must solo Nugget Bridge to get the Nugget...
  2. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    I'd like to start a challenge on Leafgreen! I don't have any restrictions other than no trading...
  3. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Thanks Athenodoros, you got my question lol
  4. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    If you could elaborate that'd be great =D! If you don't remember no worries just give me something else please.
  5. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    Arcticblast can you explain the rules you put for my ditto better? If not I'm going to have to reject it. I'm sorry I suck at understanding what you wrote. lol
  6. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    I wanna take the challenge on Leafgreen -NO rattata -no trading -evolution requirments plz =D Meowth-50 Cent -Cannot evolve till 50 -Must have Pay Day and Swagga -Must not be lowest leveled PKMN Gastly -No Ghost STAB, must Solo Sabrina Magnemite named "ShrtCircut". -If it's hit by an electric...
  7. Nuzlocke Challenge

    I'm going to start one in Emerald, I think I'll start with Mudkip! =D
  8. Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

    Made it to battle 173 in Battle Hall Singles with Garchomp Chomps@Focus Sash Nature:Adamant Ability:Sand Veil EVs: 252Atk/4HP/252Spe -Rock Slide -Outrage -Fire Blast -Earthquake I lost to an Abomasnow on my 174th battle. I used Fire Blast, which did not OHKO and I ended up being killed by Hail...
  9. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    @Xyra- Get a Pidgey named Hoots -Cannot evolve until level 28 -Must know fly -Can evolve to Pidgeot only after leveling up from an Electric pokemon
  10. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    @Mufasa-get a Dunsparce named DurpDurp -Must have the attack Rage at all times. -Must learn Glare and keep it forever. @Seismis Snorlax-get a Koffing named Nj0yUrAiDs -Must learn Explosion and keep it forever. -Must use explosion to OHKO 10 pokemon before it can evolve into Weezing.
  11. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    @bread Wooper named Shmoop -Must always have 1 water move -Must always have 1 ground move -Can only evolve after beating Morty's Gengar
  12. The First Smogon Council - Salamence

    Mence has so many different possible sets which makes it so scary. You enter a battle and see Mence and there are so many ways for it to wreck you that you usually need to sacrifice at least 1 mon. With Mence gone, there are many sweepers that could shine, Ape, Luke, but they aren't necesarily...
  13. Monoteams

    I feel that you can overcome the cons of dragon-type Mono teams by having some strange pokes specifically deal with the most dangerous problems. Let's say for example you use a Kingdra with HP Fire to deal with Scizor or Weavile specifically, sounds dumb but could make the team that much better.
  14. How do you play Pokemon in-game?

    I tend to use my starter the entire time unless I come across a pokemon that I really like, like a Gible or something. I tend to catch HM slaves to cover all the HM's, then any remaining spots I get cool pokes. I never EV or IV during until after the E4 and I don't think I've ever built a whole...
  15. Challenge The Scramble Challange

    I want to try it on Red Version. -I CAN trade and breed from Gold/Silver -Give me evolution requirements please -No Raticate Charizard: -no fire moves -charmeleon after rock tunnel -Charizard after giovanni at silph Clefairy: -metronome + 1 more attack move -evolve only after beating at least...