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  • Hey, Zachary! I was wondering if you could hatch my Aron for me! I have plenty of Pokemon to compensate you with, but I don't breed for IV's so they may not be the greatest. Please reply! Thanks!
    Hellow ! I have a Froakie with 5 IV with your TSV ! Can you hatch it for me? I give you another Froakie with 5 IV, DW abillity and toxic spike ! :)
    Can u hatch me a shiny honedge? Its SV is 2571. My FC: 4854-6539-0018. In game name is Alex. No rush. c: When possible, reply plz! Ty!
    Hi you have a SV of 2571 which matches an egg I want hatched, would you mind hatching it for me?
    hey there zachy! i got a marill egg and guess what? it's SV is the same as yours! it'd be really great if you could hatch it for me. my FC: 5086-1998-3707. would really appreciate the help mate! :D
    Just Zachary. I think I caught you on for a second the last time you were on. Lol. I think I'm going to get off for now. Been on since 1230 lol. Hopefully I can catch you on tomorrow.
    Gym Leader
    oh my god i just got on now LOL...
    lmao. pls tell me youre still on..
    Hey zachy i have a mawile egg that has the same sv as ur id , would u be willing to hatch it for me please? My fc is 1693-1309-5382
    yeah np. I'll add you now.
    what's your ign?
    I'm trading you atm. I don't think you know it's me lol
    Hey zachy I sent you a message but I'll post it here as well for reference. Your SV matches my egg! I have added you already, FC: 4957-3156-1651 and IGN is Sean. It would be awesome it you could hatch it for me :)
    hello zachy :) you have a SV im searching for and itd be grreat if you could breed me a shiny :)
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