Recent content by YoBuddy

  1. YoBuddy

    Sounds good, see you then.

    Sounds good, see you then.
  2. YoBuddy

    Hey, we are playing for DOU draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play any time on Saturday. I can also play...

    Hey, we are playing for DOU draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play any time on Saturday. I can also play Sunday 8pm-10pm or Friday/Monday 10am-2pm.
  3. YoBuddy

    Tournament DOU Draft Tournament - Top Cut (Round 1)

    Won vs WafflKing, gg
  4. YoBuddy

    Hey, we are playing for DOU draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play pretty much any time on Saturday...

    Hey, we are playing for DOU draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play pretty much any time on Saturday, otherwise 10am-2pm on a weekday or 8pm-10pm on Sunday is best for me.
  5. YoBuddy

    Tournament DOU Draft Tournament - Battle Pools

    Won vs EatFoods, gg.
  6. YoBuddy

    I'm on PS as YoBuddyTheBaker

    I'm on PS as YoBuddyTheBaker
  7. YoBuddy

    Tournament DOU Draft Tournament - Battle Pools

    Won vs Scionicle, gg.
  8. YoBuddy

    that's fine

    that's fine
  9. YoBuddy

    Tournament DOU Draft Tournament - Battle Pools

    YoBuddy's Draft Tier List/Power Rankings Disclaimer: There are 48 teams so I can’t afford to give a particularly in-depth analysis of any team. I additionally value versatility a bit more than the average player so if your team of 5 DOU mons and 3 coughing babies isn’t ranked as high as you...
  10. YoBuddy

    I would like to have a bit of time to prepare if possible. Would 10am Wednesday 13th GMT+11 be fine?

    I would like to have a bit of time to prepare if possible. Would 10am Wednesday 13th GMT+11 be fine?
  11. YoBuddy

    9pm Saturday 16th GMT+11 is good, see you then.

    9pm Saturday 16th GMT+11 is good, see you then.
  12. YoBuddy

    11am Tuesday GMT+11 sounds good, see you then.

    11am Tuesday GMT+11 sounds good, see you then.
  13. YoBuddy

    Hey, we are playing for doubles draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play at any time on Saturday or during...

    Hey, we are playing for doubles draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play at any time on Saturday or during the week at 10am-2pm. I would prefer to play on Saturday 16th if possible. You said on Discord you wanted to play this weekend, that is ok if I get games with the others at later times.
  14. YoBuddy

    Hey, we are playing for doubles draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play at any time on Saturday or during...

    Hey, we are playing for doubles draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play at any time on Saturday or during the week at 10am-2pm. I would prefer to play on Saturday 16th if possible.
  15. YoBuddy

    Hey, we are playing for doubles draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play at any time on Saturday or during...

    Hey, we are playing for doubles draft. I'm GMT+11. I can play at any time on Saturday or during the week at 10am-2pm. I would prefer to play on Saturday 16th if possible.