Recent content by Yippie

  1. Yippie

    I have no problem with 9pm gmt+8 on Tuesday , lets do that

    I have no problem with 9pm gmt+8 on Tuesday , lets do that
  2. Yippie

    is it possible for you to do an extension to Monday or Tuesday??? i will be out of station on...

    is it possible for you to do an extension to Monday or Tuesday??? i will be out of station on weekends so dont know how good my internet will be and considering the hosts always post new week on Tuesday , does Monday the same time range works?
  3. Yippie

    mhm prolly , but i willl be out of home , will let u know

    mhm prolly , but i willl be out of home , will let u know
  4. Yippie

    Ou spring seasonal , gmt +5.5 , when play , prefer weekends

    Ou spring seasonal , gmt +5.5 , when play , prefer weekends
  5. Yippie

    Tournament DPP I - Round 2 won gg
  6. Yippie

    Tournament ADPL Player Signups (CUSTOM AVATAR PRIZE)

    Username: Yippie Tiers NOT Played (binding): (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION) Tiers Preferred (not binding): Stour Bo3 (SV, SS, SM), SV OU, SS OU, SM OU, ORAS OU, BW OU, DPP OU, ADV OU, GSC OU, RBY OU Bo3 Time Zone: GMT+5.5 Activity: free
  7. Yippie

    weekend gmt +5.5

    weekend gmt +5.5
  8. Yippie

    Draft SV NatDex II - Signups

    Discord Tag yippiedreepy Time Zone GMT+5.5
  9. Yippie


  10. Yippie

    Tournament DPP I - Round 1 first game was tie so we re-played according to rules mentioned for ADV/DPP draft battles won in the re-played...
  11. Yippie

    yippiedreepy on showdown

    yippiedreepy on showdown