
[18:25:56] u39ruf8: Whis, I must tell you. I'm in love with everything about you. Your beautiful avatars, love for helping others, and your vast knowledge of trivia. I am enticed by these attributes, and I must ask you this question: Will you marry me?
[18:26:06] u39ruf8 was muted by Whis for 1 hour. (Ill think about it)
[18:26:29] Widowed‿Envelope: u39ruf8 ask in lobby
[18:26:49] Widowed‿Envelope: maybe someone will be interested

Help is a legendary room.

Astentia: who is the shittiest user here
adiass: me
lord tx: me
%Jessilina: Whiscashmega
%whiscashmega: Whiscashmega

Jellal Fernnandes: Whis is a driver, He vroom vrooms this room
#rxdb: Ironically rx is bad with bots

Im bad so im not going to put more quotes lol


Gen 8 Whiscash-mega