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  • Now you're actual VGC LCQ R5 opponent :blobastonished:

    Timezone is GMT-4, I'd prefer Saturday if possible since I should be flexible but I can also do Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday anywhere from 6PM-9PM my time.
    Sunday is also an option if you need it.
    Hey we are paired for the VGC LQC. I'm on PS as PenguGuy and GMT-4, anytime on about July 24th --> July 26th from 3:30 --> 6:00 PM should work for me. Lmk what works for you!
    Sorry, the matchups got changed!
    Hi, we play for DPL, when works best for you? I'm gmt-5 and sometime during the week/pretty early if that works for you.
    Hey we're VGC opponents, I'm GMT -4. I can play in the mornings or midday Wednesday or Thursday, or at any point on Sunday.
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