Recent content by trigger_death

  1. trigger_death

    Programming Trigger's PC (LEGIT Gen 3 PokeBank/ItemBank and Save Manager Tool)

    Move Tutors is definitely on the Todo List. How it would work is it would ask which game you'd like to consume the tutor from or ask if you'd like to pay in Battle Points if it's applicable. I may require that your game has beaten a certain number of gyms or the elite four in order to use the...
  2. trigger_death

    Programming Trigger's PC (LEGIT Gen 3 PokeBank/ItemBank and Save Manager Tool)

    You don't open saves like a normal program. You goto the Save Manager in the Games Dropdown and add saves to the list. They're just too cute. :3 But yeah I'll fix that and it will come out whenever I release a new version.
  3. trigger_death

    Programming Trigger's PC (LEGIT Gen 3 PokeBank/ItemBank and Save Manager Tool)

    1) I really do want to do online support for trading etc but I have no experience programming with networking. The other issue is either you would have to port forward to the person you were trading with or I would have to get a server to host everything which I won't be able to do. 2) Yup. You...
  4. trigger_death

    Programming Trigger's PC (LEGIT Gen 3 PokeBank/ItemBank and Save Manager Tool)

    Thanks. As for growing it's actually getting pretty close to exiting beta. After that I may implement smaller features and then take a long awaited break before eventually coming back to maybe do gen 2 then gen 1 support.
  5. trigger_death

    Programming Trigger's PC (LEGIT Gen 3 PokeBank/ItemBank and Save Manager Tool)

    Good news. I've figured out the Pokemon Box file structure and support is coming! I'm already able to read every Pokemon in the program.
  6. trigger_death

    Programming Trigger's PC (LEGIT Gen 3 PokeBank/ItemBank and Save Manager Tool)

    Thanks I really appreciate the feedback. :) As for sprites just you wait. I'm gonna add an option to pick and choose between RSE and FRLG for each sprite that's different. And as for Pokemon Box sadly that's not very likely to ever get working. The only reason I was able to read GameCube saves...
  7. trigger_death

    Programming PkmGCSaveEditor, a Colosseum/XD save file editor

    A big thank you for creating this tool and making your source code available. I was able to use it to create my legit-use tool Trigger's PC.
  8. trigger_death

    Programming Trigger's PC (LEGIT Gen 3 PokeBank/ItemBank and Save Manager Tool)

    I play Gen 3 alot and I decided hoarding Pokemon and items was a pain when storage space was so limited, that and trading takes forever. So I created a PokeBank-like program for hoarding, trading, and managing Pokemon, Items, Pokeblocks, Mail, and Decorations. Trigger's PC is a tool designed...